No more clutch!!


New member
so this morning i noticed my clutch was a little easier to push, but just though it was b/c i just woke up and was still kinda asleep, so at lunch going home there was almost no pressure and i was lik wtf.....then on the way back to work a couple of times i had to really fight with it to get it in gear....needless to say, my jeep is still at work with absolutely no clutch at all.....could this be b/c i need to add some fluid or something, or do i just need a new clutch?? and how much would that cost......although i am still hoping it is under the warranty seeing as i haven't had it the full 3 months or 3000 miles yet

first, try filling and bleeding the line.. if no go after that.. you may want to test the slave cylinder, which on yours will be external, so it would not be as bad to change if needed
I had the same EXACT thing happen to my 91YJ. Mine turned out to be the clutch slave cylinder in the trans. This sucks because you must get into the trans. to replace it and usually should replace the clutch while you're in there.... this will cost you a lot of work OR a lot of $$$. It may be possible to put more clutch fluid in just to be able to drive it to where it will be worked on (save a little $ on towing), BUT be careful - it could get stuck in gear). Sorry for the possible bad news.