I had to break out the 10' pole for this one !!!
mingez said:
Why should it be taboo to talk about differences whether they be genetic or cultural?
Because it's dangerous to make assumptions about who a person will be, or how they will turn out before they are born...
Because, in terms of our racial make up, we all have the same potential as a human being. It's the learned behavior that realizes that potential.
Well that is not necessarily true. Different races have different skin pigment, different facial features, and different physical characteristics.
These differences can give one an advantage over the other in some things. A Mexican man can withstand a day in the hot sun better than a man from Iceland. Skin color, body chemestry are 2 factors there. A Kenyan has an advantage over a Chinese man in a marathon. The Kenyans are renowned for their long legs/strides, while Chinese are notoriously short. Why do you think pro Basketball is dominated by black men? (I don't use african american, as many people of color in this country have no heritage with africa whatsoever. I use "black" just as I would use "white". Take it for what it's worth) Baseball is a sport that has many different types of athletes. This is why it is so diverse and a good reason to love the game. A pitcher is built differently than a shortsop, and a solid designated hitter different from a center-fielder. Look at Hockey, cold temperatures. Racist statement? No. Racial statement? Yes. There is a difference, but our minds have been so narrowed by political correctness that most of us can't see or admit the difference.
These are merely a few examples of racial differences. They exist. This is not bad, but to write this I can kiss any idea of ever holding a public office goodbye. Why? See other thread :roll:
This is also why I see 7-9 year old boys who have never met each other and meeting for the first time as a baseball team and the black boys sit together on the bench while the white boys sit together as well. One or two might mix it up, but that is how it was for 4 years straight now. By the end of the season, the team is one big happy oreo cookie, and the situation is entirely different, as they have made cliques and groups that break that first meeting up. Please note that the kids never had any problems with each other, I am merely pointing out that when 14 kids all meet each other the first time, they immediately pair up with what is familiar.
Sure, there are exceptions, but there are significant differences between races. It does not mean that they cannot co-exist, it does not mean one is superior to another in general, but there are differences nonetheless. Denying it is futile. I say instead of denying it, we should celebrate it.
It's that type of talk that leads to statements like: "Black people aren't smart, Irishman are Drunks, Mexicans steal." The dangerous part is assuming these things BECAUSE of their genetics.
That kind of stuff is not what I am talking about. That is racist, not racial. Statements like that are inspired by ignorance, fear, hate, or all three.
This again, is where fact is denied for political correctness.