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Received this from KY Outback Adventure Park

I've added a new series of updates for 4-23-2005, at the 'Jeep News' page at Behold. It explains a little more history and why I love Jeeps so damn much, as do the rest of you that own these things. Might be a good read for you all. A little self indulgent, so forgive me some.

Thanks everyone.

RE: Suggestions...

That is a very nice website Robert and an intertesting life story you have. Thank you for sharing it with us. I can only hope mine is half as worthy of retelling when I am in my fifties.

Nice website RS. Jerked a tear on the Challenger picture and your great loss tho. Thank goodness time heals......................somewhat. LBR

I'm speechless, Robert. I lost my best friend, my dad, on March 24th, 2003 and still have not gotten over it, never will.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: for robrt-stephens

currupt4130 said:
nice site, whats with the 3 snatch blocks though? you ever in a spot that terrible?

Well, better to have a tire jack and no flat, than a flat and no tire jack. :wink:
RE: Even Jeeperz can appreciate these!

currupt4130 said:
nice site, whats with the 3 snatch blocks though? you ever in a spot that terrible?

For things like this:


RE: Even Jeeperz can appreciate these!

Sparky-Watts said:
I'm speechless, Robert. I lost my best friend, my dad, on March 24th, 2003 and still have not gotten over it, never will.


The Kiss

One week before he was gone forever.

I am having trouble with this, it is now 4 months and it seems only yesterday and I am alone and he is not going to be in his chair anymore, or hear his laugh or no more 'daddy' kisses and so much more. I'm really tired of saying goobye to so many I have loved. I understand perfectly and most darkly what you are going through and feeling. And my deepest prayers are with you that the Lord on High comforts you, as I pray he will do with me. I'm so sorry about that event on March 24.
RE: havent been around in awhile... just thought id say hey

In reference to the "snatch block" page at "Behold"....again, I'm just speechless in awe!! So much there I never would have thought of on my own!
Sparky-Watts said:
In reference to the "snatch block" page at "Behold"....again, I'm just speechless in awe!! So much there I never would have thought of on my own!

Thanks sparky, understood. In the event we get into a jam or by default have to pull something out that seems impossible, that page is helpful. It sure rings for the controversy though (at a few sites and one of the reasons I left the Jeep Forum site is that so many inexperienced people want to argue the math of the pull itself) but those in the trade, The Crosby Group and their engineers, etc, all use that page now in their advertising and tech advice areas on how to rig up, so I am glad it is useful to all of us here.

Thank you.