New Readers Rides section released


Staff member
Merry Christmas everyone!
I've just released the new Reader Rides section. You will be able to upload your own photos (must be under 200K) to your account. You have a maximum of 1mb (1000K), so you should be able to upload a few pictures. These pictures will sit there until I personally approve them (should be much quicker this time).

I'll be coming up with a FAQ as time goes on. For now, the only rule is that you must upload photos with jeeps in them. If you'd like to upload a photo of your kid/girl/goldfish/whatever, you'll have to get them to sit in the Jeep or something.

I imagine there will be one or two snags along the way, but hopefully this will work out nicely for everyone.

(the links on the left)

FIXED, thanks!!

Yes, please tell me how too, the instructions didn't really get me anywhere. I am computer literate, I guess not today though!!! Thanks for the help.

on the subject of pictures, how do you guys put full-sized pictures on your signatures..? I've figured out how to make the icon of my jeep, but i can't seem to post a full-sized pictuure
What do you mean?

If your asking how to put HUGE images into the signature... well don't. Doing so slows this forum down for everyone but especially dial-up users.

-Nick :!:

Use the following code Without the spaces:

[ IMG ] [ /IMG ]

Place it into the text box labeled Signature (click on Profile at the top of the page). Be sure to replace the web address with the location that your image is hosted at ON the INTERNET.

Also, I wrote a rather long and detailed tutorial on hosting and posting images in THIS forum, titled Tutorial - Posting Images (or something like that)...

-Nick :!: