New radiator in CJ7


New member
I have a 1983 CJ7 with aftermarket AC. I have a problem with it running hot on hot days (over 92deg). It get's very hot when sitting at a light and when running over about 55mph. I think that I have a 2 core radiator. Does anyone know how to check? I have heard of putting a 3 core on a CJ with AC. Has anyone ever done this? Is this as easy as taking out the old radiator and putting in a new one or am I going to have to do some mods?

85 CJ-7 OEM Towing Package

Just unbolt the old one and throw in the new one and rebolt.
That is what I was hoping.....thanks for the help. I read somewhere that there might be possible fan clearance issues. Since my Jeep sees temperatures over 100 on a regular basis I thought that I would go ahead and do the upgrade.
I don't have A/C, but I had to replace my radiator last summer. I got one that was built to fit my 79 CJ7 I6, 3 core version, and it went in easy. This was one of the first projects that I tried, and it took me no time at all. 4 bolts to hold the radiator (if I remember correctly), 2 coolant hoses, and 2 transmission hoses. No problem.