new nickel ?!?!?!


New member

i just got a new nickel today and on the back it has two hands shaking instead of monticello (sp) i didnt know it was being changed!!
i am amazed. :shock:

i heard it was getting done..still haven't seen i kinda want to see to see?

thats it
I hate all change. I say companies should ban all sales that have change and the government should collect all coins and destroy them all. CHANGE SUCKS
OK.... From this point on i will always see that as two men shaking hands over a game of golf.

Thast a really odd coin!

Change is awesome, because coins are a really artistic object of curancy. HOWEVER
Due to inflation... change is really pointless, because sence change was invented for the "cheeper" objects. It has basicly been replaced by the dollar...
So its quite anoying...

I know some children in Juarez that would love for you to send them all of your bothersome nickels. Hell, I'll take em off your hands.
no matter what they do.. as long as there is physical currency... there will be counterfeit money.. no way around it... i dont see the reason for changing money... and as long as old currency is accepted... old counterfeit currency is accepted.

i love change... i love spending all the paper i have... then when i think i don't have any money left on me... i count the change in my pocket... and to my wonder.. i'm not broke anymore....

this is no lie... one time.. i had over $30 in change in my pocket and didn't realize it.... yeah, back in my highschool days.. my pockets did jingle a lot... people would by dollar bills from me.. trade in 6 quarters for a dollar bill... heck yeah i'll trade
i don't spend most of my change, unless it's to prevent gettin 98 cents back or something like that. i throw it all in a big cookie tin for rainy days (ie: get shorted a few hundred dollars in my paycheck and don't realize it untill after i spent most or my money already)

i wish i made enough to where a few hundred dollars was something i could overlook
All my change goes into a big water bottle. I'll hold 2 cents in my pocket to get that 98 cents. I empty my change into it every night. Must have been at least $2 today. Last time I cashed it in it paid for more than half of my BDS lift for my old YJ. I usually use it for completely frivilous stuff, making it justifiable :wink: Change is good.
LOL @ Snitty. I REALLY don't think he meant a FEW hundred dollars? Heck, maybe he did but I'd SMELL the wrongness in my paycheck before I even opened it if I was s horted money like that. lol


It's official...I'm now accepting pennies, dimes, nickels, and even quarters. Please send all "useless" change to the following address:
1800 Cointocash Way
Bling Bling, AL 00001
I don't mind change in general, but what I do mind is why make MORE of it?!?! For instance, the Dollar Coin... WHY. It's like a Chucky Cheese token or something, and when you pull it out of your pocket, you think its a quarter and then you pay an extra 25 cents for nothing! Or you pull it out of your pocket, and try to jam it into a payphone, arcade game, or gumball machine... then... NO! NO GUM FOR YOU! YOU DOLLAR COIN WEILDING FOOL!
Yeah I have a pile of them not being used...
Joopin said:
I don't mind change in general, but what I do mind is why make MORE of it?!?! For instance, the Dollar Coin... WHY. It's like a Chucky Cheese token or something, and when you pull it out of your pocket, you think its a quarter and then you pay an extra 25 cents for nothing! Or you pull it out of your pocket, and try to jam it into a payphone, arcade game, or gumball machine... then... NO! NO GUM FOR YOU! YOU DOLLAR COIN WEILDING FOOL!
Yeah I have a pile of them not being used...

LOL I'll agree with that. No new coins! Sacajawa? please!!!

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L33TJ33P said:
I just saw the new 20 today LOL. THAT is an ODD change

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? Ya mean they make bills bigger than a one?!?!?!?!? :shock: