They quit showing images like that on TV 'cause it "stirred too many feelings of anger". Anger is underrated :lol:

I know things like this move us all, but do we as a society really live by those values? Think about it. If men like Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were alive today.....they would hang their heads and cry. If we want to honor those men we should CRUSH those who threaten the great society that those HEROES built for us, instead of playing these weak-kneed little politically correct games that we are playing today.
I think about it every day when I look at my beautiful daughter...........
Sept. 11, 2001 I sat on my couch eyes glued to the tv holding my belly, ready to deliver any day now, wondering what the hell am I doing? Bring a child into this world of war? 5 days later I was in the hospital still watching the tv, but now holding the love of my lfe in my arms crying for joy of the birth of my child, and crying in sorrow for what our country is going through. 2 1/2years later I still think about it every day..........I will never forget...........

Nice flash. I understand the sacrifices people have made for us to live as peaceful as we can, its good that people make these tributes, but to be honest im not sick of it...just like u know we get the point. I mean i pray for my bro everyday, hes been in iraq, came back, and going back this august, but these people do this so that we can live in peace and happiness. I just dont like how people try and make me feel guilty or sorry, because i am thankful, and they dont die for us, so that we can be sorry, they die for us so we can live happily and appreciate the time we have. great flash, and purpleyjgirl that was nice!
I know there are a million stories like this one but I started thinking about all that again saturday. I was at graduation (my fiance was getting her masters) and we met the family of one of her friends who was also graduating. Her friend's husband is in the Army and was in Afganistan for a year came back for a couple months, off to Iraq for a year, just got back 3 months ago and will soon be leaving for another year in Iraq. It was a very humbling scene. This soldier was standing there with his wife and 3 beautiful girls now but will spend the better part of 3 years in War while his wife and kids are growing up around him. The reality hit when my fiance asked if they were going to be able to come to our wedding in a couple weeks (they hadnt sent in the RSVP) and her response was she didnt know because he might be in Iraq. Needless to say we are going to leave an open invitation but seeing his girls and his wife I think I finally started to realize for the first time how much these soldiers actually are giving up to fight for our country. Thank you.