as for your first question... i would have to say the K&N kit is better... but thats probably mostly based on personal opinion. the rusty's kit comes with a K&N cone filter (basically like the one in the K&N kit) and uses an air tube made by rusty's. the K&N kit uses their own air tube... which is made very well and includes a large heat shield.
in regard to the TB spacer vs. a filter kit... the filter kit wins out by far. on a V-8, K&N FIPK's have been dyno tested to increase HP by almost 30. on a 6 cylinder jeep... like i said before... expect 10-15 or so. the TB spacer will at best give 5 HP, a little increase in torque, and improved gas mileage. all brands of TB spacers are essentially the same... poweraid, vortex, etc. if you can somehow find a way to use both... go for it. the problem i ran into was that the air tube was too tall to allow the hood to close if i used it along with a TB spacer. maybe rusty's air tube would allow for both to be used simultaneously... i really don't know, and if you wanted to find out, i would suggest calling them.
and... no a cone filter is not just for looks. your current air filter is a flat, rectangular one enclosed in a rather restrictive plastic box with a tiny air intake vent on the front... all of which makes for very inefficient breathing. a cone filter system removes the air box and allows for much MUCH more unrestricted air-flow. i promise you i felt a significant difference from my K&N and it was well worth the money. cone filters also employ a special cotton filter element with must be cleaned and oiled (rarely), instead of replaced... so it saves money in the long run. good luck!