Need Info on lift springs


Active member
ready to buy new springs for the good old jeep hehehe, i currently have 4 inch springs under there now, and they dont really seem to be sagging other than the rear but i want to put new springs under her while im putting the axles under her. im looking at the Rubicon Express springs either the 5.5 or the 7.5 inch coils
i will have lots or weight added to the jeep including new bumpers winch front and rear and a tire carrier and also a full cage,
i dont wan tto put th elong arm setup onto it at this time should i go with the 7.5 with extended lower control arms or the 5.5 with extended lower control arms?
should i go with adjustable lowers or the regular extended lowers that i currently have?

SYE kit will be installed so drive line angle wont be a problem, and i have pinion adjustment bolts for the upper arms. shoule i spend a little extra and get extended uppers? and adjustable lowers?

Sounds like your spending a pretty penny as it is. Might as well fork out the extra dough to get the extended uppers. If you're gonna do it, do it right.

If you go the route of 7+ inch lift, I would definatly go with a long arm That is if you ever plan on a little flex in the suspension. The longer arms will also reduce thing like wheel hop (which is not a biggie in a jeep) but also the pinion angle. I am unsure if just adjustable ctrl arms can solve this.
I wouldn't install springs any bigger than 5.5" without a longarm. Otherwise your control arms are near vertical, and that causes a lot of problems not to mention safety concerns.

if i put in a 4".. i'd still want long arm... but it certainly is fine without
Motor mounts ques

hmmm sounds good but i dont think i am ready to shellout that much for a long arm kit. its not the right time yet i want to have a small block in it when i put on a long arm kit, i do mostly highway now and when the jeep is done i might take it out once a week and thats it. think ill stick with 5.5 thanks everyone

every bit you go up.. the ride will suffer
Last weekend pics

I put the 5.5s in with just extended lowers and I got mad dw the sye fixed it for the most part but you will need new track bars. with the bracket.
coool thanks guys, i have extended lower arms but i will get adjustables and probably extended uppers, thanks for the info