need 74cj5 bumper rear

If looking for NOS.. Not sure 74 cj5's had rear bumpers stock.. I know in the late 70's early 80's you could option the CJ8 bumper onto the 5's and 7's, not sure about the early 70's

after market, get something simple and strong. at least 3/16 material and possibly a 2" receiver hitch. Not a huge fan of D rings on the outer edges of cj bumpers, the stamp steel rear cross member is pretty flimsy to begin with, it has been my experience if you start yanking real hard on just one side of the frame (bumper) it will mis-align the frame rails.

another option to aleviate this would be to cut the rear cross member off and weld on a new one made from a heavy gauge material. again, 3/16 minimum.