"Natural Family Planning" Yeah right!!!!!!!!!!


New member
After our 4th child, the Mrs. and I deliberated on what method we would use..

So we decided on this natural family planning method which basically is "anything goes", except for a certain time-frame after the last cycle. Many books, even couples we know swear by it.

We followed it to a "T"

Well she's late and the test tonight showed we have #5 on the way :shock:

:lol: Just call me "dead-eye" hehehe :lol:

My Mom said we need to buy a TV set.
Well my friend Happy and good and all that is right in this world to you and the mrs... But whewwwww I am sure glad it is you and not I. hehehehe Big familys are a God sent to the folks he knows can handle them. You have to have a lot of love in a big family so that speaks much to your good favor. God Bless tug

Where's Tug? I enjoy his take on this subject.

Congratulations man. I'm expecting my first at the end of September.....as scared as I am, I can't imagine five! We went to our last birthing class last night. After watching those videos and then picking my jaw up and wiping the tears from my eyes, I'm trying to resist panic and prepare myself for the birth.

congrats man.. looks like you wont have to do any lawn work for a long time :lol:
congrats to the both of you then. man 5, thats alot to handle and all young too. god bless brother

You are the man... Congrats!

WOW, didn't know you had such a big family.
a TV set is not a bad idea... might want to invest in some board games or something... but... if you get enough of those little buggers running around, you won't have enough time to brew up kids anymore

The local autozone manager has 8 kids... oldest one is 7... that's more than one per year
Congrats!! 5 - WOW! Meant to be, I guess (see Tug post). I only had one and he turns 21 next month. I wanted more, but the ex didn't. I think my son would've liked some sibs, too. Best of luck to you and yours - Hey, one more and you've got a six-pack!!!!


Junkpile and Jeepguy 46176 - congrats! Don't be nervous, everything will come natural to you. Take care of the Mommy. You think you're nervous. Good time to start practicing chivalry (door service, etc.) if you haven't already. I know - some women don't like that, well I remember one time my Grandfather quickened up his pace as to open the door for a woman in front of us. She said to him, "You know you don't need to open that door for me just because I am a woman." My Grandfather replied, "I didn't open it because you're a woman, I opened it because I am a gentleman." She smiled and thanked him.
All - Folks, any prayers you may have to offer for a healthy baby and mom would be much appreciated. You don't need to reply to this part, but if you think of it, say a little prayer for them and my sanity LOL.

Congrats!! I've never had kids of my own, and that saddens me, but I'm sure there's a reason. The Man (or woman) above must know something about me that I don't. Anyway, that's great news!!

Childbirth is scary!! I don't know how those pioneer women did it before we had all the medical know-how we have now. I think that proves that a lot of what the docs do isn't necessary, though. Like almost every woman I know has had a C-section....why? Because the doc is lazy and doesn't want to be there for hours on end waiting for the final push, and because it's better money than a regular birth.

Oh, and BTW, when I was with EMS, I delivered 6 babies. 2 in the john, 2 in cars on the side of the road, and 2 in the ambulance. All 6 came out with no problems. The first I delivered was named after me, too!! I told the mother it was my first (I was actually still a paramedic student in internship), so she named it after me!!! That was so cool!!!!! I loved those calls, finally something positive instead of dead or dying people for a change.

Congratulations! Don't know how you can afford a jeep and 5 kids
Craig said:
Congratulations! Don't know how you can afford a jeep and 5 kids

They don't eat that much and wear hand-me-downs. Dessert has to be cut down to once a month but hey - the Jeep looks good.


Actually, anything that goes into the Jeep is budgeted "hobby money" or profits from eBay (which I don't mess with as much anymore). Guess that's why I'm piecing together a lift for the XJ instead of buying a $500-$600 kit.
hell with TV, get an operation... solve the issue once & for all, its the only way to be sure...

BTW: congrats...

graewulf said:
hell with TV, get an operation... solve the issue once & for all, its the only way to be sure...

BTW: congrats...

No can do, I think I would get mighty violent in that situation. No way no how no sir.

Climb a 170' tower with 135KV at the top, sure. Scuba dive 135' down to a wreck, sure. Back down from a guy twice my size, never. Let Doc cut the boys, noooooooo way. :oops: