My new jeep...


looks nice, i wish mine didnt' look like complet shit right now. how much? keep jeepin.[addsig]


That is a thing a beauty. And is that snow piled up higher than the jeep? Those Alaskan winters must be killer



^ Nice jeep man...I'm jealous hehe :-D [addsig]

I gave 23k for it and plan on doing a few fix ups. I think I'm going to not go as fancy as the last one but it will have the things it needs to get me there and back.

OlllllO :cool: [addsig]

Ah Break Up in Alaska. Are the Pussy Willows buded out yet? Moose starting to foal their Young. Bears starten to roam about. Soon the Salmon will be King of the rivers again and only thoes that have been there will ever understand all the natural wonder of the Alaska. You are a lucky man to live in the great land of of the midnight sun. I will always hold the eight and a half years spent there as a trophy in my life. Tug

Oh yea that is a great looking ride. Enjoy it to death. [addsig]

She sure looks nice, Time to bring her out on the trail and VIOLATE her factory wax job! hehe



Well tug you can always come on up and visit. And yes the bears are out and in force. We had to run one off today to get to the rigs. Any ways most of the snow is gone and what is left is going fast. We are at that time of year where it daylight almost 16hours already. Well I just got home and it's time to get some zzzzzz's. Hope to have the new rig out again today and will get some more pictures of the trails just down the road from my house. Later all...

OlllllO :cool:

edited by: Alaskan_Jeeper, May 16, 2003 - 12:54 AM[addsig]