Most Badass Jeep Scene In A Movie


New member
Hey guys, first post, but I was watching the movie "Taken" and really felt the need to clip about 4 minutes of it in HD quality because I knew other Jeep owners would appreciate seeing this little beast wreck shit.


(since it was my first post i couldn't post a link. please copy/paste)
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damn, sorry guys, removed due to copyright restrictions. :roll: :(

but anyone whose seen the movie would know what im talking about. i definitely recommend watching it for those 4 minutes alone.
when i originally uploaded the video and the copyright thing happened, i ended up having it hosted on a friends server but dont remember the address. i posted it on but they actually banned me because they thought i was a spammer. no one even checked it out to see. bunch of paranoid lamers over there.

someone on JeepForum search for my post!! hopefully they didnt delete it. it should have a link to the clip!
I like this one that shows George C Scott playing General Patton riding in a CJ3B passing a M38. The 3B didn't come out until 1953 and the M38 not until 1950, yet WWII was over and Patton DEAD by the end of 1945. Those Jeeps are doing sumthin!!:shock:


  • Patton.jpg
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Weird! It wouldn't post the 4 times then it worked? Twister!

Yea, its very weird. I don't have that file on computer anymore and I can still stream it, yet I deleted my YouTube cookies and everything, but everyone seems to says its blocked.

I see your vid.