

New member
Anyone else have this in their Jeep? I have a 97Tj and I can't seem to get rid of it on my passenger side airbag cover. Any suggestions? I clean it but it keeps coming back.

Rip it out. It's a Jeep, lose the creature comforts dude, I took mine out........oh wait...........mine didn't come with airbags, sorry. :lol:

You could try a light misting of diluted bleach. Just don't leave it on too long, cause the bleach will discolor the cover.

Mold and mildew need moisture to grow, so somewhere you have trapped moisture in your Jeep. Possibly in the airbag compartment itself, especially if you do a lot of wheelin through deep water.

Hope this helps.
I used to use boric acid with water to keep mold off the bathroom tile. It's this white powder you can get from the drug store. Mix a little with some water and wipe it on.

It worked in the bathroom, but I don't know about a Jeep. Mine is all metal and rust; never worried about mold - except in my underware :?
I just caught the name and the state, put two and two togather and see what the problem is! Man when I lived in fla. everything was molded and mildewed, and fungus grew too many places. Tropical Fla I love it but thats your problem in a nut shell. tug 8)