Modifying hard doors


I was wondering if anyone has ever modified the old stlye level doors to the newer paddle handles? I have the hard doors with the level style handles from an old 79 cj-7 and was thinking of modifying them to the paddle style doors that take the striker bolt instead of just hooking on the tub. That make any sense?? Barely does to me! :?

Front Bumper for a YJ!

It's not easy. Mine is a 78 model and I have the same hard doors. The models with the paddle handles were different inside the door jambs. They had a reinforcement behind the door jamb that went all the way from the floor up to the striker box. So basically you would have to get that reinforcement plate and striker box and weld tack weld them in.
I wanted to do that same thing at one time but scrapped the idea.
On a high note, the lever style door is the only CJ door that you could cut the top off of to make a half door. That is what I have planned for mine since I have sold the hard top.

My hard doors need some work. Plus, I don't have the door strikers for the conventional half doors. The doors are missing the interior panel and one needs a roll up mechanism. No keys either. Both have the notorious cracks up by the traingle part of the window. I may be able to find someone to trade you a good set though.