method for saddam

well for my history class(im still in high school) I had to do a report on European Witch Trials.
my favorite torture method was the one where they cut open your gut and tie the end of ur small intestine to a pole
then you have to walk around the pole in circles until your entire small intestine is out or you die
that would do him justice

I dont care how he dies.

As long as he is punished.......
well, he probably has enough de-briefing to do to keep him alive for at least 5 years...
I personally don't think he "needs to die" Why? Because then he is a Martyr for all of his followers even those that aren't "under" his rule. Maybe he should be starved and then fed Pork the rest of his life :-D

Good point, don't want to make him a martyr.

He is coming from a life of spoils, I think rotting in prison for life would be just punishment.
My wife say's being a Desert Storm Vet. to put him in prison with all Female Gaurds for life. Reason he and his counrty treat all women as even lower than camels, You see camels have worth. they put the young girls out in front of the camels when they travle to keep the camels from stepping on land mines. So to be gaurded by and tended to by women would be great punishment for him. tug
The last thing we need is to make a martyr out of this guy.
These nutbars are already suicide bombing everything in site since his arrest while screaming his name like he's allah or something. Just immagine how bad it will get if they do 96 him.

That being said, if they DO fry him, i only have one request.
Bury him WRONG!!

Cut off his Left hand so that he has to wipe with the right. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA Bacon for breakfast, Ham sandwiches for lunch, Pork loin for dinner. and Salt-pork or Pig's feet for snacks. maybe some chitterlings for brunch.

I've always thought that if I had to go to jail for the rest of my life, I'd rather be dead than rot in prison till I die. I think he should rot in jail for the rest of his life....death is an easy way out. I'd like to see him put in a cell with see through, bullet proof plexy glass on all 4 sides so he has no privacey at all. Strip him naked and make him sit in his cell which would be located in the middle of the most populated city in Iraq so everyone can see him and make fun of him for the rest of his life.
The problem is if you don't kill him you will keep haveing people try to get him out. The way to solve the problem is to have the Iraq people do the trial then let them put him to death. Leave us out of it and no martyr. Or you could lay him on the ground and we could run over him with our Jeeps until he dies.

i'm sorry, i'm not quite up to the current media topics.... i'm too busy keeping food on the table....

what crime would he be on trial for in iraq?
Like "W" said, I have my own opinions what should be done with him, but let the Iraqi people decide. They deserve that, and so does he.

Donut Gasket?

i was just wondering if there were any particular charges being placed against him