

:) good man, another Jeeper after my heart. Unfortunantly, I just missed Kenny Chesney :-( :-( [addsig]

I've DJed at KTXT/KFYO/KZII in Lubbock, KCWS in Abilene and KDCD/KMDX in San Angelo. I'm still in San Angelo but just moved cross town to KCSE and KKCN. So now I'm doing AC and country. I'm still a rocker though! :cool: [addsig]

I just went to the Kenny Chesney concert. That was a great show. Gotta love great music when its free. I haven't been that trashed in a long time. Any of you guys in the Atlanta area that wanna get together and go trail riding (show this rookie how its done) or just hangout let me know.[addsig]


I might be goin to the alabama concert sat. i can't wait till ol hank comes back to town[addsig]
about the conspiracy to raise CD prices... i'm a consumer.. of course I don't want to see CD prices go up... but... not only does the band, and the CEO of the company need to get a dollar out of it.. there are MANY MANY people involved... and with the free downloads these days... the records are not sold, and when they are not sold, they are not restocked, and when they don't need to be restocked, they are not reordered, when they are not reordered, they are not manufactured.... but yet, SOME people still do buy CDs, whether downloaded or not, supporting the music industry. And to make them availible.. they jack up the price to pay for EVERY part of the process, from the writing of the songs, to shipping it to the distributors... In order to keep a quality business, they must get their money some way, and its certainly not coming from the pirates.

I agree that the bands and the companies have buttloads of money... but we must all face it... humans are greedy, not all, but most... I am not, but I still accept the existance of greed... its a component of desire... and desire is something WE ALL have... in order for these bands and companies to carry on and keep the music coming to us... they must keep the money flowing..

the same concept goes for me... I would not be remodelling houses if people could get on the internet and remodel their houses with copies of my work crew by clicking buttons for free... and if I DID stick with it.. i'd certainly have to raise the price.. there still WOULD be people out there who want ME to work on their homes... but I could not do it for the same price... and if I did... it wouldn't be for too long[addsig]

Metallica :-x :-x :-x

I got tickets for aug, 10. Can't wait :evil: :evil: :evil:

edited by: JE420EP, Jul 10, 2003 - 08:27 PM[addsig]


At the bar tonight... I just got invited along to see them AGAIN... in columbus ohio... I might not be able to turn it down... $90... its steep... but i've seen first hand that it is worth it[addsig]

Dudes, if i met metallica i would give them mad props for all the prostyle songs they recorded and produced but i would be so tempted to give them a swift kick to the nutz for being a bunch of wankers. I really liked my napster and now they want more money, i mean they makes millions of millions of dollars, why go through all that for a non-proven fact that those softwares accually made them loose money. Accually if you check the facts i believe since napster came out and up to date , with the new releases of kazza and other programs , record sales have accually gone up. Im not an expert but it seems to me it was helping them advertise there product. ***SWIFT KICK TO THE NUTZ*** :-O :-D :-O :-D :-O [addsig]

I still buy cd's all the time. The bonus stuff you get is awesome. (ex since on the subject metallica's st anger has a dvd that is un-usable unless you have the code inside the cd). I watched it, and it is the recording the cd, screw up and all! I also like the art work lots of artist include in the cd's. Plus when I buy the cd, I listen to the whole thing, not just one or two songs.

As for contry, ya I like it but don't tell anyone.

I would go see this concert again in a heart beat!

Cooper42, sucks that you sort of missed out on the 2000 tour. I went and I think it is a runner up to the 2003 tour! Unfortunatly when I saw them in I think 93 or 94 with G-N-R, right after the black album! Best show ever!!

98 Tour with days of the new and jerry cantrell was alright and so was the 95 tour with suicidal tendencies.

97 tour with COC was a little lack luster. they played only songs from load and no old stuff.

But I have always had fun!![addsig]


I missed the Metallica bandwagon by a few years...but this whole anit-music download thing is ridiculous, to me. I mean, all you need to do is find someone w/ the cd and burn it. Anybody remeber the late 80's through mid 90's when tapes were still around and you could just record off someone else??? We did it all the time. I still have my mixed tapes...can't let go. Were the musicians getting poor then? No, even though that meant that less people were buying the tapes in the store. As long as people are paying the bend over and take it prices for concert tickets, these musicians are sitting pretty. Even the Grateful Dead, whose sole intention in their beginning years was to work for themselves, and recorded for themselves, and give big record companies the finger. Now they play (minus Jerry) corporate sponsored venues that cost over $50 a pop for their fans.
Oh, and someone made the point that a lot of people need to get paid for the cd...I'm sure the top dogs are getting a nice fat salary. Don't even tell me they'd give the coffee boya raise if they sold more albums...he did have a part in helping, after all.
Just exhibit nine billion and seven of good ol' American capitolism.
These musicians are crying to the wrong people. I'm sorry, but in real life, you are doing extremely well to make six music land that would buy the liquor, food, and clothes for one after-show party.
Don't you ever watch cribs???
However, I'm going to jump off my soapbox now and wish those lucky ticket holders a great time...take down the top, crank it up, and have fun!!![addsig]

didn't say that anyone would get a raise by the increase in prices... but it is the fact that they are unwilling to take the cut that they would have to take because of loss of sales... they either get the same amount of money from the less sales, or they just don't get it at all... people are greedy... they are not willing to take that loss in revenue, so they jack it up to make their pockets feel the same effect as if the sales were up...

and no.. the downloading software is not helping sales... i have not yet met one person that has downloaded an mp3, then liked listening to it so much that they went out and bought the same thing that they got for free. but.... if an mp3 was a temporary file that would run out its registration, and stop playing after so many plays, and not have the ability to be recorded on cd.. now THAT would help record sales... people would get an idea of what the song is as a demo, and then would have to pay for it... many software programs do this sort of advertising.

and nobody said that they are LOSING money... but they ARE losing compensation for the work they put into it. if the phone companies found out that people are somehow tapping into their service for free phone service, they would be upset too... anyone would be upset if people were getting a free version of something they produce for their livelihood, no matter how much money they have... and i agree that metallica's bandmembers and crew have more money than they will ever need to live... but they are the ones that chose to run that road, they chose music as their job, not only do they play for entertainment, but they play to keep their wallets thick. There is a VERY VERY rich man here in my town that runs a bus company... he doesn't need more money, but he keeps getting it... and if people started getting on his busses for free rides, then he would do what he can to stop it... he should be paid for his services... and that is all metallica was doing with napster...

besides... napster sucked, imesh came out, it was much better... now there's kazaa, winmx, and all the other good ones... napster was a good start, but wasn't going to hold up with its lame qualities[addsig]

A telephone is a necessary service in life, like water, electricity, and gasoline. People get paid to set up companies and distrubte these necessities.
Music, to me anyway, is not a necessity, it is an aesthetic. Musicians need to make a living, yes, I understand...I guess I'm just under the impression that artists (good ones anyway) usually have philosophies they want to share w/ the world and are more concerned about people hearing what they have to say and how they say them rather than how much people have to pay to hear them.
I'm a teacher, not a businesswoman, so intrinsic values mean a lot more to me than cash.
And, for the record...I have zero copied cds, I too enjoy the quality of a professionaly recorded album. (Okay, so I own a few mixed cds but they were given to me...)
:roll: [addsig]


as for downloading music and burning them to cd. every blank cd you buy you pay a royalty to the music industry(were is this money going). why does sony produce c.d. burners when the burning supposedly affect the bottom line of sony music group. maybe the individual artist are getting screwed, but if they set up sites where i can get the individual songs i want and not have to pay $18.00 on crap. the music industry stated when the switch cd, that the price of cd's will drop as compared to albums. instead they have risen.[addsig]

a telephone is definitely not a necessity... but it has been thought as one for a while now... and I can find many many people that will say that, to them, music means more to them than a phone does. I have both, but don't rely on either... I have a home phone, a cell phone, a cd player, a cd burner, and i write music... but if all of that was somehow deleted from the earth.. i could get by, neither are necessities... but to my point..

i used the phone company as an example of a business... I guarantee that whatever phone company anyone here uses was not the first phone company ever... and was created by people saying "hmm... i've got what it takes to make this service, and people will pay for it... that's money right there"... I don't think they said "people NEED phones, and I will be the one to make sure everyone gets it"... the service they provide is provided so they can be compensated, and the same goes with most musicians... they have a service (entertainment, spreading ideologies... etc..) and they do it to be compensated... now there are exceptions, but for the most part, that is the idea. I've been in bands before... we had some good material that people wanted to hear... we would play some free shows to get people to know what we had... but eventually, we couldn't afford to take time out of work, and our lives to play for free anymore... people wanted to hear our music... when we traveled, people would pay us... and we were upset if we ended up traveling to do the service without at least being paid for our ride there. The same went when we recorded our album... it costed a lot of money to do it... yeah I wanted people to hear our music... but we could not give the CDs away, we had to get something out of the work we put into it[addsig]