Metallic Gratinig Sound Coming from Engine


New member

I have a 90' YJ with a 4.2 6 cyl. in-line Iron Horse engine with a 5 spd. manual transmission. I've had a metallic grating/scraping sound coming from the area of the timing chain cover, but I can't be sure of it's exact location. When the engine is cold, it's silent at idle except for when I disengae the clutch while I'm driving, especially at 1.5 to 2000 rpms. I don't hear anything when my Wrangler's parked and at idle and clutch disengaged.

When the engine is warm, the grating/scraping noise is present with clutch engaged especially in all but the 4th and 5th gears at 1.5 to 2000 rpms. I can't figure it out. I've checked the Troubleshooting area of my Haynes Manual under "Miscellaneous Engine Noises" but nothing seems to fit just right. Has anyone out there have any suggestions as to what the problem may be?

Thanks in Advance[addsig]