Meeting the Muds: A Short Story


New member
So here's the deal... I've had a lot on my mind lately, and have been a little down (which is why I haven't posted too much), so upon getting home from work today, I sat down at the computer, and began to write what could possibly be one of my most depressing journal entries to date... I ended up falling asleep in my chair, until Tom called me up from O'Charley's...

Mud4feet and mudwoman had PMd me a couple days ago, and let me know that they were going to be up in Michigan visiting family, and wanted to come to O'Charley's to meet me... I told Tom before I left work this morning that if two people from North Carolina came up there asking for me, call me, and I would be right back up there... So, he calls "Sean, your people are here..." "mrrrr?" I grunt. "Your people, from North Carolina!" "Mrrrr?!? Oh, OH! I'll be right up there!" I finally wake up and say.

So, traversing the freeways of Southeast Lower Michigan at an obscene rate of speed :oops: , I make it up there in record time, and get to meet Mud, and Mudwoman :D

What a great time! See, when I get a little down in the dumps, I tend to live in the here and now, and be that as it was, it had completely slipped my mind that they were coming up here, or even what I had told Tom this morning. So we sat there as they had dinner, and I joined them for a beer, and we just sat and talked about this, that, and the other... I am now in a very good mood, so I thank you both for that, very much... It was a very pleasant way to end my evening...

So, I'm glad that the both of you enjoyed your dinner, and I'm extremely glad to have met you, in my opinion, you'd be hard-pressed to find two nicer people, especially with all the driving and travelling and such :)

And mud drinks the Killians :) Can't go wrong with the Killians :lol:

Awesome!! I think we all wish we could me up with some Jeepz peepz, and you were lucky enough to do so!!

I'd love to meet the Muds...great people. Hell, I'd like to meet all of you.
RE: One problem solved and here is the next one....

Cool! So, here's the question: Did you actually call the "Mud" and "Mudwoman", or use their real names? Several years ago when I was hosting a chatroom for MSN, a bunch of us got together in California for a week. Now, I knew all of their real names, but still always ended up calling them by their chat names......

I did slip a couple times, but then again, I got a Saurian or two out of 'em too... :) They took a bunch of pictures of my filthy Jeepy (which not even two major thunderstorms has managed to scathe) after dinner, and then they had to hop on the road, they'll be home by Monday, if I recall correctly...
Saurian, That is a really great idea, to meet jeepz friends. I have done that before too. I would love to meet the Muds. That would be fun as well.


Home again, finally!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Thanks, Sean, for the kind post - glad we could lift your spirits. Your visit was the high point of the trip. And thank the rest of y'all for your kind words. A few pics -

Trouble waiting to happen:

Saurian explaining the finer points of mud to.......................mud:

Mud admiring....mud!

The photographer - mudwoman (caught off guard):

And, only to be fair, my ugly mug:

Unfortunately, while we were in Mich., my Dad (and jbdayojeep's dad, too) had a stroke (he's not in real great shape anyway - been in a nursing home), so things turned to shite pretty quickly. Y'all drink one for me.

RE: Yanks vs. Redsox This Weekend!!!!!

I love it when a plan err jeepers come together!

Sorry to hear about Dad, best wishes!

RE: leroy goes nuts...

Glad to hear you folks had a good meeting, Mud: sorry to hear about your Dad's stroke.