Manual 4WD for Front Axle


New member
87 XJ won't start -- The Plot Thickens......

Hello everyone! I was wondering if there's a write up on one of these things? I've been told that it's easy to make one home-made, but I can't find an article on it. Could ya help me out, please? :?:

You have seen it in action. Remember I had it on my old YJ when you were here. It is called a Cable Posi Loc I think. Here is the wright up you need and yes it is ez. The only thing I did different from the right up was I drilled and then taped the vacuume motor houseing so I could thread in a Cable adjuster. Any how here it is.
Thanks Tug! Yeah, I was looking for the same one you had. I thought it was pretty neat! Cool. Oh yeah! I finally got around to the thumb throttle parts (Makes a nice cruise control for Beth :) ) Thanks again!

OH... a quick question. Can I still "shift on the fly" or do I have to stop, lock the front, then start again?
careful with that as a cruise control... if you get in an accident, or have to brake fast, or push the clutch quick.... that engine is still racing

Yep, figured that one :wink: I'm not gonna use it much anyway. Only on trails or long drives.