Looks like I've got some snow on the way


New member

Just read a weather alert for NC and it said we'll be having another snow storm. :-) :-x The last snow storm we had left the whole state powerless for like a week. I really blew because we don't have a generator. The good side is that there will be snow on the ground for my jeep to play in. In a way I can't wait, school will be cancelled and another long weekend to play int he mud/snow. :-D [addsig]


Ya I think your right,it poured here in california non-stop for about 4 hours.Have fun. :wink: Sully[addsig]

Just across the line in Tennessee all we are getting is rain cold damp dark day here I wish it was snow. However the mountains are getting the snow school let out early today! Tug[addsig]

last time i went wheelin' it was snowing so bad you could hardly see where you were but i didn't get stuck or any thing :-( :-O :evil: :lol: [addsig]


we got dumped on, 10" and its still comin down[addsig]

haha yea i love that, as soon as we get a little snow the roads become a mind field or something everyone creeps around in 4 low at 5 MPH and we'll have like 3 inches. its like ok i understand you want to be safe but following you is gonna take me an hour to get down to the grocery store.[addsig]