Looking for a 304

Call Eastern Automotive in Four Oaks NC. They are a Jeep only junkyard.

Man, a Jeep only junkyard!! I've only dreamed about such a place. How far is it from Durham? Next time I visit my son, I might just have to take a run over there.
It's about an hour or so from Durham.
They claim to deal in any truck part, but all I have ever seen on site is Jeep stuff.
If you can get them to let you on the yard, you WILL buy something. I always have at least 10 parts for them to check on, that almost guarantees that you will get to look for yourself. A tour is a MUST, if they have time. They may seem like jerks at first, but if you let them know you are a serious Jeeper they open right up to you. They have to deal with alot of lookie-loos that want to waste their time for nothing, so their initial attitude is understandable. Let them know you're from out of town and made the trip just to check them out.
It's a beautiful thing.....rows and rows of Jeep junk, along with 3(I think) warehouses that house LOTS of parts. Anything you can think of. The in person prices are usually cheaper than the over the phone prices too, so a visit is worth it. I'm heading up there the friday after next to get a backseat for my TJ. I saw a full cage in a YJ the last time I was up there too, I may bring that back for my CJ.

thanks, Junk! I just noticed the Four Oaks NC in your previous post - guess I coulda looked at my atlas, but then I wouldn't have gotten such an informative reply. Thanx again.

ive got a 304, it needs a basic rebuild. right now ive got the heads off it and stuff. it had two bent rods. piston heads look like you might expect for a late 304. uhmmm yea i live in va