Look What I did today


New member
I was bored and decided to make a Pic of my TJ on Photoshop 7.0


looks good. Makes it look like a nice colored pencil drawing. really nice!
Pretty cool! I was playing around with my photo editor a while back and came up with this. It's a simple effect, but since I'm not the least bit artistic, I thought it was cool:


Hey Hey Hey, Great Job dude, I love it!!! I got one too! 8)

It's kinda big, sorry!

i just got photoshop 7.0 but i have no idea how to use it. of course i'd rather click on random buttons and see what they do than use the help function :lol: . nice work by the way :) .
i'd rather click on random buttons and see what they do than use the help function

NOTHING ever helps you with the "help" function... I learn everything by clicking randomly... i've become pretty good with photoshop
The only things I did were cut out the background and mess with some of the filters and some other stuff in a completly random order and volia* :roll:

But Majoring in Graphic Arts and Multimedia comm. throughout H.S. may have helped also

Mines in my sig. Nice Photo slopping people!

LOL Beachy, that's great!! Ya'll are good! I did mine in Paintchop though, not photochop.