Locking D-rings?


New member
I have an Idea for a product and wanting some feedback on the market. currently i am seeking a patent for my locking d-ring design..

My question is how many ppl out there would pay for a locking D-ring that is impervious to thieves and vibrating loose. you could buy a set of 4 that have a single key (which means no more screwdrivers or pliers)

Any input is welcome...
sorry but no i have been advised that posting pics or too detailed descriptions is not in my best interests from my patent att. but the D-rings will remain mostly the same the pin is the only change and it is lockable by key

Well when you can post a pic I'd like to see it.
awesome, i love the idea of not having d-rings stolen right off the front (or back) of our rigs, but will they be just as strong?
But getting dirt in the hole will not be good. That's why the caveman dragged his women by the hair.
I've never had a problem with thieves, but have had a problem with them vibrating loose. Lost one on the interstate that must have bounced up and hit my skid plate -scared the bejesus out of me.

I'd like to see a d-ring with a longer than normal threaded section that could accept a cotter pin.

BrnDave - I'd pay a small premium for locking ones - maybe an extra $10-15. I'd want it to come with two keys though. My only reservation about buying locking items in general is loosing the key.
TerryMason said:
I'd like to see a d-ring with a longer than normal threaded section that could accept a cotter pin.

maybe some extra thread length that sticks out a little but has a hole drilled thrue the threads that somebody could buy a lock to put on it whenever your afraid of someone stealing them?

They would be just as strong and the pins i have tested passed the limits of the rating for the ring its self.. and as for the key i was looking at a qd style allen stock 1/4 turn gets it off the shaft..what do you guys think?
what kind of D rings are you talking about?

This kind?
