lock was poped


New member
some jack arse tweeker tried to break into my Jeep last nigh with a screwdriver in the drivers door lock. now my factory alarm is on and i cant turn it off couse the key dont work. as we all know when the alarm is active it cuts fuel, so now i cant start my ride, i cant even open my door, the alarm will go off. now how can i disable that there alarm so i can get in it and drive 'er.

funny thing is i have no rear window. havent for like a month. what a retard. we should have an open tweeker season. shoot 'em all.

I may be wrong, but can't you start it up and the disconnect the battery? Seems like you used to be able to do that with the older cars. Not a wrench here so I could be wrong. I know we did it with tractors.
you mean just turn the key on. i cant start it, alarm cuts fuel. ill have to see if i can get the hood open without setting it off. though im sure as soon as the light under the hood comes on the alarm will go nuts. but ill try it anyway.
I may be wrong, but can't you start it up and the disconnect the battery? Seems like you used to be able to do that with the older cars. Not a wrench here so I could be wrong. I know we did it with tractors.

pretty much any car with fuel injection and computer controlled or newer you can't do that.
The demand for amps is too high to just run on battery alone.

some jack arse tweeker tried to break into my Jeep last nigh with a screwdriver in the drivers door lock. now my factory alarm is on and i cant turn it off couse the key dont work. as we all know when the alarm is active it cuts fuel, so now i cant start my ride, i cant even open my door, the alarm will go off. now how can i disable that there alarm so i can get in it and drive 'er.

funny thing is i have no rear window. havent for like a month. what a retard. we should have an open tweeker season. shoot 'em all.

can you tell me what a "tweeker" is?
I would guess a dope head maybe?

I agree this guy needs a pipe wrench introduced to his top row of teeth, if he has any that is...
can you tell me what a "tweeker" is?
I would guess a dope head maybe?

I agree this guy needs a pipe wrench introduced to his top row of teeth, if he has any that is...

your guess is dead on. well anyway crawled through my missing rear window poped the hood (alarm imediatly went off) and commenced disconnecting the battery. i let it set disconnected for like 10-20 min. then put it back together. the alarm was still on. no honking but it was still on. so i figured id take another screwdriver to the lock wich was horizontal, i twisted it back vertical and shoved my key in and unlocked 'er. got the alarm off and it starts now. i can drive it again YAY. still need a new lock but at least i can drive it.

anyone know how much i could expect to pay for a new lock. would it be better to go through a stealership or how easy would it be to do myself?