This sounds more like that the problem is not in the fuel pump but in the tank itself. If the fuel pump creates vacuum at the smallest amount with fuel in the lines, it should deliver the fuel in the carburator. If the fuel drains out of the fuel lines back into the tank and have no prime for the fuel pump to create enough suction to pull the fluid out of the tank back up, then i would suspect that there is a leak internal or external to the fuel line from the tank. The smallest amount of leak in the fuel line between the tank and the pump could easily create this symptom as the pump is made to pump fluid not air and the pump would just keep suctioning the air from the leak source instead of the fluid in the tank which is the farthest away from the pump. Another thought on this matter is the fuel cap. It has to be a vented fuel cap so the fuel tank does not create negative pressure as the fluid is evacuated from the tank thru the fuel lines. If the fuel stops delivery to the carburator at half a tank but ok at a full tank, so much more reason to suspect that the pick up tube in the tank could be the problem.