lift kit for 82 cj7

About 2-300 will get you a one inch body lift and one inch shackle lift. For about $420 shipped you can get a real lift with shocks though. Body lifts and shackles are easy to install provided your not in the rust belt of the country. Lifts are little harder but worth it in the long run.

But be warned THIS JUST THE BEGINNING!!!!!!

Yellow Submarine????

Go with the spring lift. You will be much happier. I think Rancho and Skyjacker are the best kits. ProComp kits aren't bad, and neither is BDS. The only one I would steer away from is Superlift..oops I mean "Superstiff."
Also don't rule out a spring over axle conversion. if done properly and at home with your two hands, this can be done on a CJ for about the price your willing to spend and will net about 5 inches of lift and provide a decent ride. assuming your factory springs are in good shape.
how about an add-a-leaf, fairly inexpensive and will give you close to what your looking to get if combined w/ shakles or body lift. i would go full suspension. there are a lot suspension kits that are reasonably priced, and you will have all new suspension insted of a 22yr old one that may be a little tired!

I would not recomend a body lift or a shackel lift. You may as well not even do it if that is what you want. I am going to go with a BDS 2 1/2 " I have seen is for under $350 Rancho is expensive and I have heard it is stiff.
4wd problems

I don't want to start a "what's better war" But I would put BDS WAY before Rancho lift kits. I have owned to rancho lifts and now have a BDS kit and I love the thing. Much much much better and cheaper too.

Just my .02