Lady, how was England?


New member
is my timing off, or have you made you trip to England and parts East?? If so, fill us in. If not, tell me to shut up and hold my horses!!


lol Mr. Mud. You and Mingez sure are anxious for me to go, even more than myself I think! I was actually going to post on it in the next few days. I leave in exactly one week's time, next Friday morning. I have my passport and two digital cameras locked and loaded. I am a getting very anxious both good and bad!

My first weekend is in London, the next week in Manchester and the second weekend in Scotland. I'll be sure to report back with lots of funny stuff and an album FULL of pictures! I'll return to the US on the 16th and then to Jeepz!

I haven't been on much in the past week or so because of all the flurry of getting ready for the trip, have been working very long hours. You all know how that goes!

Anyway wish me luck and wish me safe! I may need both! lol Thanks for asking Mr. Mud!

Lady, yes, the best of luck and all the jeepz'ers will be wishing you a safe journey. (By the way, that was a very polite way of telling me to shut up and hold my horses!! LOL). Just remember, they still don't know which side of the road to drive on over there, so my advice, if you're driving, is just stay off the roads!!! (Something like here, right?!?!?). Have a great trip! Me and Mingez'll be all over ya' when ya' get back!!
