King Kong

Anymore, most of the movies I have seen (few and far between) have been too loud for me to enjoy. Never thought I'd hear myself say that. Since I lost the hearing in my left ear, loud bass distorts sounds so much in the left side, I often can't hear them clearly in the right. I have a Pioneer surround sound system (the speakers are from the early '80s when Pioneer still made the best systems) and a 23" El Cheapo TV (brand name escapes me at the moment and I'm too lazy to walk the 5 steps around the corner to see), but I still enjoy watching movies more at home than in a theater. Sunshine keeps hinting around that she wants us to get a flat screen HD TV, but I want to wait till the prices come down and the technology gets better. Heck, I was one of the last people in Kansas to even buy a CD player, and used my Pioneer turntable to play records up until about '98. The only reason I go to see movies in theaters is to please Sunshine.....kinda like when we were dating, I guess. Despite my feelings about the whole lousy theater experience, I'll take her to a movie without hesitation. I'd do anything to keep my sweetie happy.
i dont go to the theaters very often... i'm a cheap *******, i'm happy with rental quality (as long as there is no skipping) but tongiht my b/f is aking me to go see The Polar Express tonight cause i havent seen it and its on a the IMAX in 3D...oooOOooo cant get the 3D at home...

I thought the Polar Express sucked.....but that's just me and sappy movies. The animation was overdone. Don't let my one-sided opinion spoil your fun, Kim. I'm weird that way.
did anyone put any spoilers in their replies here before i go through and read this thread????

my roommate said it was amazing, and i read the first post, but didnt dare continue for fear that someone might ruin the movie for me. i intend to see it soon.
bchcky said:
did anyone put any spoilers in their replies here before i go through and read this thread????

my roommate said it was amazing, and i read the first post, but didnt dare continue for fear that someone might ruin the movie for me. i intend to see it soon.

Nope. No spoilers. Man meets girl. Man falls in love. Man goes and traps giant monkey. Monkey meets girl. Monkey falls in love. Monkey goes berserk. Monkey dies. Girl was actually a man in drag. First man finds out. First man kills second man/girl. The end.

LadyJeepFreak said:
Judge I'm sure that pretty (and complex) set up costed you a pretty penny and some free time. lol Your right were all different in what we like and how we enjoy it. Doesn't mean either is right or wrong!

Yeah lots of money and time....just another hobby errr obsession.
bchcky said:
did anyone put any spoilers in their replies here before i go through and read this thread????

my roommate said it was amazing, and i read the first post, but didnt dare continue for fear that someone might ruin the movie for me. i intend to see it soon.

Wow, I guess that means you haven't seen the original. I guess I didn't even consider that. I dont' think there are any.
I don't think I've ever seen the original the full way through. I may have caught it all in parts here and there. I still knew the story though. The only thing in this thread that could be anything close to a spoiler is me saying how they took way too long building the story before they actually get to it

I just watched the original all the way through for the first time last week. I was surprised at the natives getting squished. Now you see stuff like that all the time but back then I can see that was a big deal.

Spoiler alert!

"twas beauty killed the beast."

I guess I'll have to wait to see the new one on DVD. The wife and I go to movies but I doubt I'll get her to see this one.
south442 said:
I was surprised at the natives getting squished. Now you see stuff like that all the time but back then I can see that was a big deal.

It was censored in a lot of places, and even some cities refused to show the censored version, not just for the pancaked natives, but also some of the suggestive scenes with him and Faye Wray.

I saw a rather lengthy trailer for the new one last night. Some of the scenes of him jumping looked astonishingly like the exact same leaps that the Hulk made in the latest movie on him. That part of the animation in the Hulk killed it for me, as it was waaaaay overdone. I like a well animated movie, but there are often times they overanimate the characters in an attempt to make them seem more natural looking, but in effect, it makes them appear even more unnatural. Another example would be JarJar Binks in that other stupid Star Wars sequel (prequel, whatever). Even when standing in one spot, he was always moving way too much. But of course, that entire character was stupid and should never have made out of the editing room. Come to think of it, I guess that could be said for the whole movie.:roll:
just saw the movie tonight with my brother and sister. i thought it was good. but i'm not a big fan of peter jackson overall. whats wrong with a 2 hour movie? every movie he makes has to be his deerhunter, you dont make an epic, it becomes an epic for how it is.

again, dont get me wrong, i enjoyed it, but peter jackson draws stuff out way too much. you dont need music and a cut scene and slow motion everytime you switch to a different character in the movie. special effects and acting however were very good.
to me, generally speaking, 2 hours is just right. 3 hours if its something special, like a braveheart or the godfather. some raunchy/immature comedies do fine with the hour and a half. plus, for some reason, whenever i'm sitting in the movie theatre, i have the bladder of an 80 year old man, 3 hours does it to me.