Keepin' it clean :o)


New member

Just a quick note, and not trying to sound like a Dad, but I've noticed alot of cussing on the board lately. I'm not singling anyone out because we're all guilty of it. I'm just saying that we got to keep it clean.

We have become quite a respectable board, and would like keep it that way. You all are my buds, bros (and sis') and family. I couldn't bear to not have you around if this board got shut down.

I know I'm jumping way ahead of myself, and 2 or 3 curse words won't make Terry run for cover, but if we nip this thing in the bud, it won't flower into a weed.

Just a though Rob


I often give what I´m going to say the "Jay Leno" test, if you wouldn´t here it on his show, it´s got no place on the board. I figure a little off color humor or the occasional explitive is just part of the language. If I cross the line, be direct, let me know, I´ll tone it down. Some things just occasionally pop out, and sometimes I say the wrong thing too. I guess it is late night TV, and I might be crossing the line.

Good call Rob... I was reading a post title not too long ago that made me think the same thing. I know that some of us may know each other (and are on the board a whole lot more than others) and that that might raise the comfort level enough to say certain things... but there are alot of people who may be less known who read the board, and it would be a shame to scare them off because of a few bad word choices.



yep......i'm guilty...

i agree we should not use bad words here...

it's true that it can scare people of when they visit us for the first time.

sorry guys 'n girls[addsig]