
What kind of oil in transmission and transfer case?

Special_K wrote
Twisted & All: Sorry for the artificial controversy. We all error and I will admit mine in this case. I'm just trying to figure out how I could have seen the post so differently upon reading it at first.

No sweat. I'm just glad to be here :lol: :lol:

No hard feelings here and please know that I take no delight in another man's humility. I honor it, especially when it is worn with grace.

Don't feel too bad about it as to err is human, and it's good for us once in a while ;)

RE: Back to School

Now can you start acting like a leftist liberal pinko commie again so we can resume? :lol:

Today I found out why my jeep has been on the road for so long. Apparently my jeep was in florida when hurricane katrina hit and the driver had to drive further north to avoid the rest of the strom or something like that. How bad did FL get hit? Wind speeds damage?

RE: just got her muddy for the first time! pics and video :

I am sick of people trying to point the blame at each other about who is at fault for what.


there are more important things that could get done, like help out!

I spent 5 days of my vacation volunteering to help out with relief efforts.

Everyone should pitch in and do something! (as in everyone, not the Jeepz people in particular)
RE: aftermarket gas guage sending unit question

Agreed, but don't head down to the gulf coast unless properly authorized, you'll be part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

I'm on a roster with the state to go down and relieve Law Enforcement that is already down there, I'll likely do a 14day stint when the time comes.
1993 Wrangler wants to be healthy

90Xjay said:
But one bright spot, just look at all of the countries that we give aid to rushing to help the good ole USA....wait a minute, nobodys offering to help...

Here is an idea, stop all foriegn aid ASAP and all handouts to illegals ASAP until we help our own citizens.. :!: :!:
Hey. I live in Canada and my company sent down $5,000,000. (US$, not Canadian) last week. My buddy also went down with his search and rescue team to help out.

Re: RE: just got her muddy for the first time! pics and vid

Alot of companies and countries are stepping up with help...not only in money but supplies. I know down here in FL we are working really hard to get supplies to our neighbors to the west. Some communities are organizing trucks to drive supplies there. While I cant drop everything and drive to New Orleans to help I am donating money and goods to try to ease the situation. You dont have to go to extremes to make a difference (however the people who do should be congradulated!!!) and every little bit helps.
90Xjay wrote:

But one bright spot, just look at all of the countries that we give aid to rushing to help the good ole USA....wait a minute, nobodys offering to help...

Here is an idea, stop all foriegn aid ASAP and all handouts to illegals ASAP until we help our own citizens..
Hey. I live in Canada and my company sent down $5,000,000. (US$, not Canadian) last week. My buddy also went down with his search and rescue team to help out.

Alot has happened since that post, many people and nations have stepped up to help.

As for Canadians helping, I see it as payback for the privilege of being connected to us and thus preventing yourselves from being over-ran by other hostile nations for all these years. JK :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I still think America should cease foreign aid in times of our own national disasters.
RE: Acetone???

My employer will soon be asking for volunteers to go down there to help repair the trashed communications network (big telco... sounds like "horizon" ;) ) and I will jump at the opportunity to help out. It'll be tough on us but my wife and I agreed it's the right thing to do if they do in fact look for volunteers (which they almost always do in these situations).

Hopefully they'll just replace everything with fiber optics.

TwistedCopper said:
My employer will soon be asking for volunteers to go down there to help repair the trashed communications network (big telco... sounds like "horizon" ;) ) and I will jump at the opportunity to help out. It'll be tough on us but my wife and I agreed it's the right thing to do if they do in fact look for volunteers (which they almost always do in these situations).

Hopefully they'll just replace everything with fiber optics.
Hey we're in the same boat... they haven't asked yet..... that and we're a small company so you and your "horizon" get to go...... you guys need any HELP in "horizon"?
Who do you work for and what do you do? Send me a PM if you want to avoid a(nother) really obvious hijack on this thread :)
RE: Im Back!!!

Apparently my name is still on a roster for Disaster Relief and Search and Rescue from when I was a paramedic. I got a phonecall yesterday asking me to go down and assist. It pained me to tell them I'm not certified anymore (just certifiable) and didn't qualify for the type of help they were looking for. My company is matching employee contributions dollar for dollar. Sunshine and I figured up that we can afford about 15% of my paycheck. It ain't much, but every little bit helps. So, for the next 4 pay periods I'll be coughing up as much as we can afford out of my check (the company is making automatic deductions to charity before taxes). Sunshine is working through our church to see if we can bring a few elderly people up here from the stricken areas. Our nursing home has 3 empty beds, and the assisted living center next door has a few empty apartments. Right now, she's working with the director to see if we can get those rooms donated, or at the very least at a reduced cost. God I love my wife!!!

bryanjeep said:
Hey man,
Sorry, I haven't been on this site in a very long time. Yeah, We are ok I guess. I had 3 ft of water in my house and nearly everything was ruined. My girlfriend who lives in New Orleans had 7 ft...total loss. Jeep made it though. I just have to drain the rear axle. Thanks for keeping me on your mind. If you want, tell everyone I am ok and for thinking of us. I checked all the Katrina posts. I dont plan on getting back on the site.

Thanks again