K&N Air Filter in the stock box


New member

I have an 89 YJ. I just bought the K&N Air FilterCharger replacement filter and installed it in my stock air box. Is it just me, or is that thing a pain to get in there? I mean I had to really do some 'convincing' to get the lid to shut. Am I alone here, or is that how they work? I know they talk about sealing up the box so that only good air get through, but my thumbs are sore.
It better make a difference.[addsig]


Tight ain't it! When I got mine I like to have never got it in, started to take it back and ask for the one that fit! hehehe Tug :-O [addsig]

tug, i sent you an email about a new lift kit that I found for the YJ. It's called a HellCreek Suspesion system. a buddy in my Jeep club here has it and swears by it. 4 inch system complete for under $400!! including shocks and dropped pitman arm. Here's the link:


I know you're looking into a kit. Thought I'd help you out! :-O

edited by: hi_c, Feb 06, 2003 - 10:57 AM[addsig]

WOW :-O :-O THAT IS ONE GOOD DEAL.....brake line extensions and ever thing....is that in american dollars...i wouldnt mind getting the steering stablizer..[addsig]


...and the shipping is a great price too!!!!!! Too bad they're out of stock for about 2 weeks :-( And great customer service! They answer e-mails fast! :-D I will be ordering these, as long as my financial advisor (pronounced wife) will let me. I think she will at this price!

Todd 8-) [addsig]


I had the same problem with my K&N. All you have to do is rub some of that red oil that is used in the filter all around the rubber outer part of the filter and the lid to the box slips on nice and easy.[addsig]