Just shoot me.

Why can't I get a break? Huh? When and where did I piss off the wheeling Gods?

Here's the rub: Driving back from town this morning in my '85 POS GMC pickup, the transmission decided to play farmboy and harvest a wheat field at 75mph. Yeah....the whole stinkin' transmission. Bell housing to driveshaft just up and left me, bounced off a Kenworth, and ended up 100 yards out in a field. Dang near flipped end-over-end, with the rear end so far up and the nose down that it also took the front bumper off before settling back down!

I need my truck for hauling, so I gotta get it fixed or buy a new one, plus the trucking company that owns the Kenny is asking for repairs. Only have liability, but insurance says only a 50-50 chance they'll pay for the Kenny because it really wasn't an accident, as far as a crash.......so, long story short, Jeep mods are on indefinite hold. :x

Sorry, but I just had to vent and cry a while.......


Thats just terrible! All the chevy's we have ever owned have always had tranmission problems. Ours took a dump at 70mph too!

Has anyone ever heard of a transmission falling out completely? The tow truck driver said in over 30 years, he's never seen it happen. I've seen one drop the tail of the transmission, but not the whole thing, the bell housing stayed connected on that one.
Sully said:
You didnt even drag it by the driveshaft? Weird.

I did for a bit....driveshaft is in a "U" shape. The transmission dropped, dug into the roadway and launched the rear of the truck up in the air.....I think the rear axle is out of whack on the springs, so I'm gonna replace those also to be sure.....

Dang near flipped end-over-end, with the rear end so far up and the nose down that it also took the front bumper off before settling back down!
You are truly lucky to be alive, my friend - I believe you were the windshield, not the bug. Really sucks about the truck, though. Just count your blessings and carry on - you still have a Jeep!
mud4feet said:
So, does this put the kibosh on greenreaper's rims?

Yes, unfortunately, it does. :cry: Nothing seems to be going my way lately. As was mentioned earlier, at least I've still got my Jeep! It could be worse!!

I flipped a truck end-over-end about 20 years ago and broke my neck. I still have a lot of problems from that, including a metal plate and 4 screws holding my 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae together, permanent nerve damage, and constant pain alternating with numbness in my left arm and hand. Like my grandpappy always told me, every day above ground is a good day.
At least I didn't end up like this:

That's a guy from another message board. He got hit head on by a drunk. He walked away with some pretty bad cuts and bruises, but no broken bones! Apparently the drunk was going the wrong way on a divided highway. Says mucho for Jeep safety systems, eh? When I was a paramedic and we'd roll up on an accident that looked like that, there'd be a collective "OH, S**T!!!!" from the crew onboard!

Maybe the guy that took LGR's mechanic's gloves stole the bolts out of your transmission?