Just joined


New member
I have checked out this site a time or two and have always been pleased with the content. I look forward to picking up ideas and info from like minded folks.

Welcome! I don't know squat about Jeeps other then how much I love em. It's always nice to have another jeeper around!
and enjoy the forum!

Hi All!

After painfully selling my baby ('73' 360 CJ5) 26 years ago, I am finally able to call myself an owner again. Just bought an unrestored '79 CJ7 Renegade that I am really enjoying. A little rough around the edges and needs some TLC (and $$$), but runs like a champ. Just thought I'd say hi to everyone and am looking forward to kick starting my tinkering project with some good advice from the forums!
Thanks all for the friendly welcome, I have a '77 CJ-5. As soon as I learn where everything goes I will post some pictures of my build and current condition (I dont think it will ever be completely done!).