Jesse vs Don Imus


New member
anybody been following this crap?

this whole thing stinks and people are piling on who should be keeping their mouth shut.

What Michael Richards did was deplorable and it didn't get this much coverage.

If all the races got along fine in this country some people wouldn't have a job.:-|

the last form I had to fill out and check race, I wrote in "human"

this has got me down in the dumps... what a mess

I think he was trying to be funny and sound young, gangsta and cool. It backfired obviously.
What he did isn't anywhere near what Richards did. Still, the public is fickle and may opt not to listen because of something so silly. I guess that's the fine line one walks as a shock-jock radio host.

I think Imus is an idiot...but not because of this.

And Jesse overshadows some of the good he's accomplished, by participating in publicity-hounding political BS like that. He's a tool. And don't even get me started on Sharpton. But I suppose they have a right to protest things as much as anyone...even though these are far from altruistic endeavors, and hard to image being done for some kind of greater good (right or wrong).
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Mingez, I can't believe I'm saying this.... but I whole-heartedly agree with everything you said.;)

Mingez, I can't believe I'm saying this.... but I whole-heartedly agree with everything you said.;)

You may be a conservative, and I may be a liberal, but we both live in the world of reality, something these people (right or left) certainly do not.
What amazes me, beyond the obvious racism, is that these people are stupid enough to say this stuff in public. I am not a racist, but I have to believe that if I was, I would be smart enough to keep it to myself. Everybody nowadays knows that that stuff doesn't fly!
Imus is a comedian, he does a comedy show. If all the comedians that used words like that and was beat as badly he was, there would be no more comedians. Its nonsense. Just wait until something else happens in the news, it will be long forgotten.

what gets me is the fact I have heard a song on the radio talking about nappy hair and such, where is the suspension for that? Oh wait.... there is a double standard there. I can be called a cracker, white honkey, etc, but nothing will ever come of it. Let me say one racial slur and I am sued, fired, and criminalized. We are in an out of control country.
Although, he shouldn't have used the word "Jigaboos". That has some serious roots in racism. What was he thinking? LOL

The "nappy-headed ho's" comment wasn't that bad.

You also have to consider the context...Richards was using the N-word and clearly in a malicious fashion. Screaming the word in anger and loudly over and over again.

Imus was just ignorantly saying these words. Should he get some flack? Sure. He should be criticized, and if his ratings drop, that's his fault. But calling for his resignation by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson? C'mon. I'd be okay with the involvement of Jackson if I believed for one second that he was doing it for something other than personal gain.

I think that in this case (as opposed to Richards) his apology should suffice. Admission of ignorace and a public apology is more than enough in this case.
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He should have just said he had heard the terminology from a rap song since many use those words. Double standards are always means to controversy.

I got a kick out of radio. I listen to Colorado Public Radio. Talk of the Nation was talking about this. I changed to another station that had Rush Limbaugh on. Same subject. 2 more AM stations. Same subject.

I changed to FM (The Mountain) and just listened to non-controversial older rock and roll.
I did not hear the comments, but I do have to agree that anything remotely racial in this country is used as a means to gain popularity by some "leaders". Also, I agree with the fact that in the US there is a double standard for what is racial and what is not. A racial comment from a white person to a black person is taken out of proportion, while the opposite is ignored. And even worse, a black person saying a racial comment about another black person is accepted, whereas the same comment said by a white person is considered racism.

Having said that, I am totally against racism, but I do think that here in the US (keep in mind I am Panamanian, where the country is an even bigger mix of races since Panama became a country as a result of all the immigration during the construction of the Panama Canal) minorities (including my own, latinos!) are WAAAAAAY too sensitive about this, and (it seems to me) they use every chance they can to exploit this for personal gains (such as recognition).

Anyway, just my 2 cents...

But after all, what was it that was said, if I may ask?

I'm pretty sick of people pulling the race card at every corner. Honestly, I think African Americans do more to hurt their own race than anyone else.
I'm also tired of the mentality that "the man is trying to bring me down!" I work strictly on government contracts and "the man" spends billions of dollars contracting with 8A-minority owned firms every year. Many of these contracts I would like to bid, but can't guessed it, I'm white. Talk about racism. What about giving the work to the most qualified person regardless of race?

One of the basket ball players said she was scarred for life from his comments. What? Give me a break. I agree that what he said was stupid and he received a fair punishment of a suspension but was he being racist? I don't think so.
From our industry daily internet rag (I thought everyone here might enjoy this...)...

Casualty of Don? Deirdre Imus Ditches Book Tour

This won't be a pleasant week in the Imus household.

TMZ has learned that Deirdre Imus, wife of Don, has bailed out of two high-profile live appearances on "The View" and "The Martha Stewart Show," in the wake of Don's "nappy-headed ho" slur that has caused a national furor.

In fact, the whole book tour's been nixed.

A rep for Deirdre's publisher, Simon & Schuster, says that the entire promotional tour for "Green This! Volume One: Greening Your Cleaning," which was timed to coincide with the which was timed to coincide with the book's debut yesterday, has been postponed indefinitely. "Because of the pressure that the Imus family has been under," says the rep, "family is her first priority at this time."

This morning, several major advertisers pulled their ad dollars from the Imus show, and he's been suspended for two weeks from CBS Radio and MSNBC for his unseemly remarks about the Rutgers University women's basketball team.

now CBS just fired him from his radio show.

Now they've canceled his radio show permanently. This has really gotten out of hand just because he said something sexist. It wasn't racist at all and plenty of people have said worse with far less punishment. Just listen to the rap coming from the car next to you.
Now they've canceled his radio show permanently. This has really gotten out of hand just because he said something sexist. It wasn't racist at all and plenty of people have said worse with far less punishment. Just listen to the rap coming from the car next to you.

:agree: :agree: :agree:

the power of the media.:(

they fed on him like a pack of wolves.