

New member

hey i just wanted to know how the get-to-gether thing was going and to offer any help if you guys need some. i think its a great idea.[addsig]


that would be awesome but where would we do it? [addsig]

theres plans in the works, i believe pasmokeater, and tug, and theres another member (sorry very bad memory) in on it. give it time, tug will post soon lol, he always does[addsig]


I vote for Maui, I need to get away from this crazy New England weather............Bullet[addsig]

Hey All, 1st of all you know if you have read my past post I can not spell and I really don't give a flip. So stop reading my post if you do not like that fact. PASmokeater was the founding father of this 1st time ever get together. I offered to help and here is what that I do know. We are looking to have it here in the mountains of East Tennessee, and Western North Carolina. Nothing is set in stone at this point but that is the plan. I am working on getting the National Forestry Service to open some long closed trails for us to go and play on as a one time thing. Hopeing it is a chance to reopen some of the wilderness to jeeps full time. Tread Lightly will be a big part of this event. Education is needed if we are to compete with the tree huggers for access to the wilderness. They open in the fall for the Bear Hunters here to go out on so I think it only fair to open for other law abidding tax payers as well. Like us 4x4 folk. We also have one of the best white water rivers in the South East (the Nolichucky River Gorge) here with many rafting companys and hope to set up a group rate for any and all to go on at a fair price. Small mouth bass and trout a plenty for the fishermen among us. Trying to get a local farm to allow us to camp on private land. If that does not pan out there are a couple of comercial, national, and private camp grounds to try. There is the YMCA for showers and plenty of local resturants to eat at. At this point there are not enough trails open to make it worth our time here but I think with your help we can get this done. I am hearing that just over in North Carolina there is several great area that we could go get stuck in. heheheh Again still in the planning stage but looking good. PASmokeater said something about the last week of June being the target date. We need sponcership and already said that it was cool to use their name as the head sponcer. Now we need to get some money sponcers if any of you have contacts. I plan to ask the folks over at East Tennessee University if they would be willing to come out and do a documentary on how a bunch of on line jeep buddys got together for a dream vacation. Ideas are great but if you have any get with PASmokeater or myself and then we will make plans to put feet on our thoughts. This will take a bunch of effort to put it all together. This could be a great event! tug :-D [addsig]


somebody email rubicon express and see if they'll sponsor us lol[addsig]

Tug that sounds great to me. I live in Eastern NC so that would be convenient to me. Are there a lot of people on this site from out west??? Because if I were them I would not want to drive a jeep across the country and back. My family owns a little land in Cullowee, NC about an hour across the tenn NC border but I have never scouted trails there. I could probably talk my uncle from FL into comin up to tag along. [addsig]


From: Boston, MA USA To:Raleigh, NC USA

Total Distance: 740.45 miles Total Estimated Time: 12 hours, 12 minutes

Hmmmmm....... :-? :-O :-D :evil: [addsig]

Why would we do it in Raleigh?? Theres only a few trails and there really short and deep rutted. All of the good ones are being turned into highways. I want the location to be convenient to everyone not just me. But there are some awesome trails in west NC and East Tenn such as Tellico. so its up to ya'll[addsig]

just the first spot in nc that mapquest noticed. as I figure anywhere in that area is going to be 750 +/- miles for me to go. Trust me, I'd rather it be a little closer to me :) the entire state of vermont is a jeep trial![addsig]


I'm still voting for Mauii for a get together, I'm getting tired of cold and snow...........Bullet[addsig]

I'm up. That is as soon as I get all the sand out of my gas tank. It so happens that the gasket between the tank and pump has become brittle, cracked, and basically screwed up and didn't realize it until recently when it started to stall. What can you expect out of a 9 yr. old gasket?!?! :roll: [addsig]

Update on Trail Week. I've gotten together a couple of things, and will update you on what I know. It IS going to be the last week in June, assuming that's still allright with Tug. It will be in Tennesee sp? right around Tug's place (please drop the name of your lovley town somewhere Tug lol). I have a waiver drawn up and have my attorney (divorces are good for something lol) checking it out to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.

The Rules are simple.

1. No Alcohol during outing activities (this includes lunches, dinner, and get togethers at night). ABSOLUTLY NO ALCOHOL FOR MINORS. We hope that those who wish to drink would use common sense, and restraint. This is an important rule and ANY infraction will result in IATE EXPULSION from the remainder of the week WITHOUT REFUND. This was a tough call because I was going to make it a dry event, and took some flak for it. Botttom line is we hope you wouldn't drink, but if you do, don't get stupid. Anyone even smelling of alcohol will not be permitted to join the group for trail rides.

2. Safty First. All participants will be expected to meet vehicular requirements including; Front and rear towhooks, Battery tie down, Seat belts for ALL occupants, Full size spare tire, valid insurance card, valid drivers liscence. All particpents should have; tow straps, tools, First aid kit, C.B. (hand held is okay).

3. A deposit will be required. Since Tug and I haven't talked in awhile, it's hard to say how much, since I'm not sure what the actual expense per person is going to be. However, please keep in mind that we are trying to do this while keeping the cost at the absolute minimum.

4. Tread Lightly. There will be NO toleration for destruction of property, Public or Private. Speeds on trails will be no more than 20 mph, and on road speeds will be no more than the posted speed lmit. Pack in what you pack out. Remember, this community is opening thier doors to us, and are watching us closly. We need to show respect, and offer to them the same friendship that they have allready given us.

This is a brief explenation of the rules and regs (sorry, but in order to have my A$$ covered there has to be a waiver lol) Any violation of these rules could lead to expulsion from the group, and should the occasion arise (which I don't see happening, riiight ?)Tug and myself will make the decision.

I'll post a link soon to down load the waiver (needs to be signed before you can participate, one each, by EVERYONE in your group.

As far as camping and such, I still need to talk to Tug lol (Tug....Email me please with your #, I can't find it lol)

That's where it stands, ant questions can be asked on this post, or Email me at

Rob :p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 08, 2003 - 07:15 AM[addsig]


i am 45 min. north of charlotte. western n.c. or east tenn. sounds good to me . how about cherokee. arent there trails on the reservation? there is a great k.o.a. there. have stayed theere many times great place check out the website. they have fishing and rafting and tubeing on site. oh , and they have a casino.......just a thought.odax :cool: [addsig]

Erwin, Tennessee is the target area. Look on your map North East Tennessee kind of between Johnson City TN and Asheville NC. I am searching and finding info for the event as fast as possible. Will keep you all posted as much as I can. Working with the goverment is slow and trying to say the least. Here we have a good central jump off for yes Cherokee NC if you want to hit a Casino, As well as many other side trips if any one is interested. Tug

is your daughter coming? (i need to know whether or not im gonna need my hair gel) :lol: :lol: :lol: :p just kidding, i still dont think i know what she looks like, but nate says shes prettty cute as i recall. as far as friends and family memebers go, is there a limit on who/how many we bring? i dont really plan on bringing anyone but i was just curious, cause ive got a friend with a TJ that might be interested, he was on the board months back askin about his transmission.[addsig]