Jeeps running rough... again.


New member
Awhile ago I wrote on here about my oil pressure dropping at stoplights and stopsigns on my '97 TJ. Well today the same thing happened after an oil change and it being stable at 40 for a week or so. As i pulled out of the parking lot today the clutch started squealing really loudly, as i was driving home it only squealed when i pulled in the clutch. any ideas?
As mentioned by Mutt, the T.out bearing is likely the cause for the squeeling. As for the oil pressure drop at idle, it's likely a weak oil pressure sending unit. You can verify this by installing a manual oil pressure test gauge on the same port where the oil pressure sending unit is attached to. Monitor the minimum and maximum pressure. 9PSI is the minimum spec. at idle. If the pressure test passes with the manual gauge, replace the oil pressure sending unit.
To get to the throw out bearing you have to pull the trans out it rides on a clutch fork so when you depress the cluth pedal it rides agasint the fingers on the pressure plate and releases the clutch. t bearings are not to much just a bunch of work
Do you guys think it would be OK to drive from Dallas to Waco, a distance of 120miles, with this issue? This is where my grandpa lives and if anyone can fix it its him.