Jeep Women


New member

Quinters your so cool hanging out around here with the guys, Hats off to you mam! I also have found a bunch of respect for you as I know you have tools on your Christmas wish list and have done what sounds like a great job moding your Jeep.

My wife is a Desert Storm MASH Nurse and I have no problem with her doing anything that she set he mind to do all 5'3" of her. Carries a Spyerco Knofe and a Stainless 38 sp. Everywhere she goes.

I have seen there is a Jeep Girls Board and there is just not to many of you gals on here. Thats a shame. Cause I have learned a few thing from Quinters and bet there is a lot more to learn from her.

So if out of the blue million visitors that happen across our online Jeep Home, Sign up and be a part. I for one would welcome you in and would be willing to learn and help when ever possible.

Later Tug[addsig]


Thanks for the post Tug!
I really appreciate the support. I know what you mean regarding the low numbers of women posting on the "girl sites"...I'm in the process of putting up two sites now, it's slow going...I don't have much of a clue, but I'll learn!!

My husband is supportive, but he doesn't quite "get it". Oh well, we all have our vices...he has the Harley (talk about a money pit!) That makes my Jeep look cheap!! Thank God for separate checking accounts!

Thanks again!


PS - I did get some Craftsman tools for Christmas!!


Went up in the hills the other day, to cut some pine branches for Christmas decorations, me and the kids head off over the hill and leave the wife with the radio and the heater. Suddenly we hear a whole lot of roaring and snorting, run back over the hill to see whats going on and the Mrs. is stuck up to the door handles in an old corn field. Think it´s a genetic problem that´s not gender specific, besides gals are alot like Jeeps niether looks just right without a little mud on the undercarriage. Do it in the mud![addsig]


a jeep woman who carrys a Spyderco. the only thing better then that would be a buck! (sorry, 8 years in the Boyscouts kinda gets to you)[addsig]

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>i love jeeps and i love women, what could possibly be greater than a jeep woman?</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

2 Of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be careful what you wish for Berreta, it might be granted.

Know what to get a Jeeper who has everything, for Christmas? Penicillin.[addsig]


My wife and I met in a chat room, arguing over who'd look better in a Jeep. I said me, but now I take that back. MMMM Nothing much better than a girl wearing Jeans and a t-shirt in a Jeep. I didn't say there isn't anything better, just not much. wink wink nudge nudge to barettajeep