Jeep wave in pa


New member
Do ppl that live in pa and delware don't know about the wave between jeeps cuz everyone I wave to either dosent wave bac or give me a look lik I'm crazy sumone tell me that they do do it around my way

Do ppl that live in pa and delware don't know about the wave between jeeps cuz everyone I wave to either dosent wave bac or give me a look lik I'm crazy sumone tell me that they do do it around my way

I don't know about PA but here in San Diego, it's about 50/50. It is a good feeling to get a response though, eh.

(Wisconsin transplant)
Living in the northeast there are jeeps everywhere. So when preforming the jeep wave at every jeep up here is futile. I do pass out jeep waves like i pass out out tic tics. There are jeeps that will wave most of those are pre 2000 or modified. This is a true keeper and not a soccer mom that thinks its hip to have a 4X4 because of snow. So I have to save my waves for the jeeps with mud and lift kits because they are the true jeepers. And people that never heard of the wave will give you the strangest looks.
Most folks around here only wave at wranglers, and about a third of them are stuckup yuppies. Cherokee folks, some do... some don't.:roll:

I lived in NEPA and people waved all the time. Sure some didn't but more than half did.

I was always under the impression that the Jeep wave was a Wrangler thing. Waves that are not initiated by me are always from a Wrangler. I never got a wave from any other type Jeep.
I'm in western mass. It's a good 75/25 success rate. I've noticed too that only TJ and prior will do the wave. JK people will rarely do it, and when they do it's always a two door. Never the four door.
I'm too busy holding on to dear life with both fist gripping 10 an 2, I fear if I wave I'll take out a bus full of elderly... Cj-out
Im in western Pa. and drive a Cherokee,but,dont wave anymore as I do it enuff on my scooter.I think it has come and gone?By the way,can someone please tell them not to keep contacting me to be "active" ? I just got over cancer 2 months ago and now yesterday we found out my wife has it and Im just so busy trying to deal with all of this stuff. I will be back ..probably in early spring. Thanks Sincerely Terry aka Heminut