Jeep TJ oil drain plug gasket - do we need to change this?


Staff member
I remember hearing somewhere that I should change the drain plug gasket on my TJ every time I change the oil. I'm embarrassed to say that I've never done this. I went on rockauto to grab a couple, but it looks like there are quite a few options, manufacturers, as well as materials.

What's the best replacement drain plug gasket, or should I just continue to use the stock 2005 gasket (that has worked until now)?


A lot of vehicles specify replacing it but I never have unless it was dripping when tight.
Ditto iv used the stock plug until it started leaking then bought another.
Some vehicles have crush washers and they tend to need changing often to keep from leaking. But TJ’s do not use them.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
I have never changed one either. I have bought some vehicles that the pan bolt leaked because the previous owner stripped it and failed to tell me but i just put teflon tape on the threads and snugged it up and that fixed the leak