Jeep Safety Newly improved for BerettaJeep :o)


New member

Sorry guys, just thought this topic was worth keeping alive for a couple of days Rob

Just look at my quote..........even though I am going a little higher, and getting tires, there is nothing I wouldn't at least try to get by in my Jeep (within reason of course). You just have to know the limits of your ride(a stock Jeep is NOT going to conquor Mount Everist), and your own abilities as a driver. Play it smart, know what your Jeep can do, and know what you can do.

Yes, Dingus and I had fun on the ice, but we also knew our limits, took our time, and got out a lot to take a look at our next obstacle. These things, combined with good spotters, will enable you to take your Jeep stock or not, through just about anything(again within reason) you throw at it.

Last, but most definatly not the least, is no matter what you do, or what you try, make sure you do it SAFELY. It's all about having fun and enjoying what we're so lucky to have, but it's no fun takin someone to the hospital , or towing a vapor locked ride back to the road because they didn't think. Look for your line before you start a trail, check out a new trail from bottom to top before you go flying throught it. This might mean you may even have to GET OUT of your Jeep to do it lol

Safety HAS to come first, even before fun. I NEVER go riding alone. I always have at least one other vehicle.

I like to have someone who has been on the trail before if I can. Share your trails with someone else, and they'll share thiers with you. Always try to set it up so even if you don't have all the trail toys, people in your group do. This past weekend, for example, my Jeep is the showroom floor, but I made sure people in our group had neccessary items. Recovery straps, winch, high lift jacks, all had CB's (very important, inexpensive item should be a must for everyone on the trails, even a plug in hand held). We all felt a little more comfortable knowing that in a worst case scenareo(me, getting stuck climbing a hill lol) we had a way out.

Take your time. There's no need to rush. Enjoy your Jeep, and the adventure your having. Take the time to "stop and smell the roses." lol

One other thing I've picked up along the way, is that those of us who wheel, aren't all Jeepers, and The "other guys" are also very helpfull. Don't be afriad to go wheeling with someone because they have a Ford or Chevy, in the end, we're all one big happy family(just some of us are distant cousins lol)

I know I get off on these rants sometimes, but I never really read a post on safety in any board. If you all have things to point out that I may have missed feel free to post them, and maybe we'll all learn something new Rob



Safety is so overrated


paragraphs are a neat thing and make reading a super long post better.

People forget, the object is to get from point A to point B. But heck if you can have a little fun along the way and a little adrenalin rush why not.

We have been Jeep people in my family for a couple of generations at least, if not a Jeep some kind of 4X. My older brother rolled his and died, my little brother rolled his and damamged his back, my wife rolled hers (with my son) and got out OK. My best friend lost his on the ice and blew both my knees out. Plus a whole litany of crashes I´ve seen. A short narrow wheel base is inherently unstable, plus the extra ground clearance built in and maybe overdriving the vehicle or conditions, is gonna bite you in the butt.

What I´m trying to say is chit happens, but if you go looking for it, it´s gonna happen sooner. Play safe.

When you mod your Jeep, really think about it. 600 lbs. of tires and center of gravity raised well above design tolerances, is a recipe for disaster.

PA has a lot of good points and I agree with his concerns, heck most of the points he has made are what kept me alive this long.

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE> But heck if you can have a little fun along the way and a little adrenalin rush why not.

</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE> I get an adrenalin rush getting out of bed anymore!
You have a point and as a younger person I was away to into fun and have the scars and the great memories to prove it. Now days I am a bit more on the safty side, Just do not heal like I once did!

Kind of like the young bull and the old bull. Up on a hill looking over a bunch of cows. Young bull says "lets run down there an enjoy us one of thoes cows!" Old bull says "lets walk down and enjoy all of them!"

So to each his own, as we all see things different, and that is what make life so interesting.
Later Tug[addsig]


haha i like the bull/cow comparison~very nice tug, so are we saying lifting jeeps is bad here? im not getting it, i understand the need for safety and count my self lucky i havent had to experience the awful things mudderchuck has. i dunno i guess i just kinda missed the idea here, lets pretend i never said anything.

Tug - gotta give it to you, unique perspective and way of phrasing it. Kick ass! Keep the good words coming...

Tug - gotta give it to you, unique perspective and way of phrasing it. Kick ass! Keep the good words coming...


yeah always find a way to say in a sentance what it takes me a page !!!!! I'll have to learn how to do that when I come down there LOL Rob

Tug has a gift with words. All I was trying to say, was that raising a Jeep can cause more problems than it fixes, a little can only hurt a little, alot can cause more problems. Some of the mods. I´ve heard mentioned can´t help but cause problems, like the one guy that removed the sway bar and track bar (panard) for more articulation. It will articulate better alright, about 360 degress.

I get mental pictures of some of my happenings, like sliding down an ice covered hill for about a quarter of a mile (not chit) between a ditch and a mound, with a rather large frozen fish pond at the bottom. I made it. Then I try to imagine doing it with a 6 inch lift.

In a couple of my engineering folies, I´ve learned a thing or two and dislike to sit by an watch somebody make the same dumb mistakes I´ve made. The engineers make more than there share, they have recalls and modify vehicles all the time.

My thinking is, I raise them the absolute minimum I have to, to accomodate the tires I´m going to be running. Keeping in mind, most of my driving will be done on the street, but it´s a long walk out if it breaks.

All in all, I´ve rarley seen a vehicle raised over about 4 inches (less is better) that got farther than a stock vehicle consisitantly (without breaking). Heck the salesman will sell you anything, making it work is up to you.

A few years back, Jeep Europe, set up a 3/8 mile driving course, the finish was a 25 meter mud pit, foot and a half deep. It was no cake walk. A six inch over Bronco was the first to break. We paid our parking fee, and all jumped out of the XJ (mostly stock), told my wife to follow the parking signs which ended with a checkered flag (prior planning adds to the fun) and she was on her way. To make a long story short, she stuck about 15 feet short of the finsh and was one of only two vehicles to come closs to finishing the course. All you could hear was cheering from the women in the stands, the guys were shocked into silence.

Of course the joke was on me, I spent months wrenching on that sucker, cleaning and washing.

Have fun and Merry Christmas.

PASmokeater A gift for me?How nice of you

I dont care what the other jeepers say about you,you are A-ok with me