Jeep Overheating


New member
I have a 1999 Wrangler.. just bought it a week ago. The guy i got it from said it was overheating on him and thought it was the thermostat. I replaced the thermostat, housing, and radiator.. and have flushed the system several times. I had heat for a short period of time and the engine did mot overheat... however yesterday i drove about 5 miles and lost heat, and engine overheated. It was blowing anti-freeze out of the resivoir overflow... I'm at a loss for what to do next.. any suggestions?

is the Cooling fan working properly?, when you flushed the cooling system, what did the coolant look like? was it really bad like a lot of rust?, is this a 6 cyl or a 4 cyl?.
Do a pressure test of the system. Also, you replaced everything but the water pump, could this be the problem? Also I've read a couple times you need to bleed the system after you drain , then refill the system. But this might not apply to your type of jeep .
it is a 4 cyl, I'm thinking now, that i may have blown a head gasket... Having starting it and letting it run for approx 4 minutes, it was blowing steam, appeared to be coming from the back of the motor. The water pump was replaced by the previous owner. and when i flushed the system it had stop leak in it....gross....

I think its the water pump. Not trying to put you down but the wrong pump could have been installed. I know that there are 2 differnt types of water pumps. One will have "REV". stamped into it and if the same model is not put back on, it will not function and will cause major engine damage due to overheating.
is the water pump something that would act up like that over time, or would it be instant? he drove it for awhile after replacing it.... I'm gettin pretty disappointed.. I just got this thing a week ago and have already put $250 in it, plus a Good Cleaning

Depending on how much STOP LEAK is in the cooling system, this maybe causing a circulation issue. as for the steam coming out of the rear of the engine, you may very well need to get the system pressure tested to verify that there's a leak on the head gasket.