Jeep on a ledge


Active member
Holy Moley. Talk about pucker factor. :shock:


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Screw that! I wouldn't even take an ATV on that trail.
No crap Bacon. No way, nope, notta, ain't gonna do it. BTW my brother has a cat named Bacon. Why? I don't know. But, tonight his wife drug home #2. He named it Eggs. That way he has Bacon and Eggs. True story. He's ate up.

Watch for falling Jeep signs need to be put at the bottom of the cliff!:lol:
I know that interstate on ramp is around here somewhere!

Because I can!

Boy that was some party last night, I should get out and stretch my legs!

It's okay, I can always back out.:D
Why do you think it's photoshopped?
Could be the unnatural blend lines between the rock and the trees, or the fact the road narrows by a good 12" in front of the truck and you know they didn't back out. Then there's the fact the edge of the road at the dropoff is unnaturally jagged, not rounded like a weathered mountain road would be. Just a very unnatural and poor photochop, but cool at first glance.

we have a few shelf roads like that out here in Colorado but you wont catch me near them but some do attempt and in most cases backing out is not an option its called the pucker factor
I've done a fair amount of Photoshop and this wouldn't be all that difficult to do. As a matter of fact, that was my first thought upon seeing it. I still wouldn't care to walk there to get the ledge shot. But then there are climbers that would see this as a Walmart parking lot.

I just remembered digitally altering a shot of my Jeep. This was before I cropped out the one at the bottom (the actual position). This was a pile of pea gravel, which was like trying to climb a pile of marbles. Since it's where I work and didn't want to explain what I was doing stuck there, I opted to get to the top using my computer. While not as dramatic as the ledge shot, it shows how easy it is to do.
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