Jeep Jamboree???


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I came into work today, and this guy I work with was up in the pocanos over the weekend racing moto... He said he kept seeing all these Wranglers all over the place, it ended up being the JEEP JAMBOREE!!! Being a new Jeeper, I didn't hear of this until today, didn't even know it existed! He said there were all kinds of mods to the jeeps, it was all weekend, camping, and looked like some trail runs (he wasn't sure).
Anyway, did anyone know about this? Why didn't anyone post that it was coming up? Did anyone from this site go? I would have loved to been there, it's only 3 hours from me... I would have gave up the beach for something like this!

edited by: Joopin\', Jul 21, 2003 - 03:33 AM[addsig]


Check out you can click around and find a listing for all the Jamborees. they cost like $250 [addsig]

Before I got my jeep I read all about Jamboree's on the website. They do look cool but are $$. I might still get to one someday. I'll make it to Paragon before then I'm sure.

Heather :-D [addsig]


I tend to stay away from things like Jamborees. Not because I think they are a bad idea, but I prefer to get a small group of people together (under 100 lol) so we can actually ride some trails,and have some tech time. Paragon is alot cheaper for the weekend, and you have the same rating of trails, stocker to "Are you outta your mind ?". Although I did hear that Smashmouth played at this years Camp Jeep in Va.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]
Jambos are too rich for my blood, and none of the money stays local, like with the local clubs that actually do all the work (trailguiding). While they do keep the jeepin image up and introduce the sport to thousands, I'd rather give my money to those that do the work, and only attend club run functions.

Most clubs, like ours, is not-for-profit, and a large portion of our revenue goes to charity. Anybody know if this is true for JJUSA?
Well now that I know what it is, looked it up on the web... too much money, and it seems way too orginized for my taste.
$250 is alot of money, I think maybe i would go only because theres nothing on the cape to do. My jeep is always clean and doesnt see my off road except some areas of the beach. It seems as tho alot of you guys on the board know eachother and have been trailing together. I cant travel (having a 20 month old kinda keeps me close to home) so the cape is getting kinda boring and im hoping to do something new soon and maybe some day ill have to honor to meet some you guys, sounds like you have alot of fun. :cry:

For many the JJUSA runs are the way to go, if it's what is readily available or you're looking for the experience and comraderie. Just not for me for the above reasons.

Take your 20mo old Jeepin, had my daughter out at that age. Just the other day, at 24mo old, we were wheelin a tough stretch of trails and the winch cable broke about 3/4 up the hill. Cable fell to the ground, and we didn't go backwards, so we made it out okay, but momma snatched her up out of the Jeep so quick :lol: Momma says she's had enough Jeepin for the year, especially when we stood it on the nose dropping into a creek. It really wasn't that bad, my daughter stayed asleep :roll:
oh I take her out on the beach but thats all we really have here. The thing is the travel, and money for hotels and such. Ill do it someday but if i save the money to go away its going to be for disney or something :wink:

Go camping purley girl, Once you invest in some equipment you'll save costs!
never thought about it but yeah camping sounds good (got to get a larger tent, the family has grown since the last time i went :shock: ) Thanks guys
Just received my Rock Krusher Bumpers!

Hey purpleyjgirl, I live near the cape (Norwell, it's kinda in between boston and the cape) Where on the cape do you live? My aunt lives in Cotuit and I go down therer all the time.

I live near the cape. Norwell, MA to be exact, it's like 45 mins (60 mins if I drive my jeep) from the cape and like 20 mins from Boston.
19wrangler89 I live in Dennisport its farther down on the cape. I belive its like 30min. from your aunts house. email me if your coming down we'll meet up 8)