Jeep 101 - Question from 1st timer


New member
I have ALWAYS wanted a jeep. Now its time.
i hate to ask a dumb question,but, are all jeeps
(ie, cj, wanglers) easy to strip down?

What I want is one that cans be - no door, top
window fold down,etc....

the newer they get the more sophisticated they
look, framed doors strustured tops.

any help is appreciated

thanks, Brad,

Yes, all wranglers are easy to remove the doors and tops to play in the sun.
Although the hard tops takes a few minutes longer to remove than soft tops.

RE: So Fantasy Football guys...

like the ole saying goes... bikers never smile because of the bugs... well jeepers with the windows down dont either LOL!
RE: So Fantasy Football guys...

The hard tops are heavy as hell too,and if you drive with the windshield down remember to remove the bars that connect to the windshield, it looks real bad not ot mention you'd feel like a idioit