je240 wahtever has a bad attitude


New member

i just checked my personal messages and recieved a very pleasant one fromat je420 person. i even defended his name agaisnt g spot :-O what a poor sport

"The only punk around here is you i have been doing the jeep thing for ten years. Do you even have a lift or is your xj just for the famliy."

and no PUNK, i dont have a lift nor is my XJ "for the family" my mom has her own explorer and my brother has a YJ, we all have our own cars tho im more than willing to share

:-D [addsig]



edited by: Tug-n-pull, Mar 30, 2003 - 08:54 AM[addsig]

do i even have a lift? is it just me or can we not offroad fairly capably at the factory height? i believe rob may have something to say on this subject? ;-) [addsig]

tug, come on. You know some of here that arent old enough to drive our jeeps yet can be pretty cool sometimes.



Normally, I would be the first person to get enflamed over the "Stock or Not" issue.


1. Everything I would say I have already said. SIZE DOES NOT MATTER
2. The sun was out, it's getting warmer, and fuinaly I can drop the top and cruise around with the wind freely blowing through the cab, and ya know what ? SIZE DOES NOT MATTER

This is the important thing. "Are you having fun ? Good !!!" because SIZE DOES NOT MATTER

To some people fun is picking up a few things at the store, or driving to Blockbuster to grab a couple of movies, with the top dropped and the sun on your head. To other's it's trailering you 50 foot godzilla Jeep to Mount Rushmore to climb up Abe Lincolns nose and count the hairs. Either way, both are Jeep people and both are having what they consider fun. So ya know what, SIZE DOES NOT MATTER.

Am i being clear enough, or does anyone need me to make it clearer ?

Now for the next subject.

Lately, everytime I log onto Jeepz, I get a face full of people arguing over my Jeep is badder than yours, or "You're a punk. Uh-uh...YOU'RE a punk." 90% of the posts have been fellow Jeepers slaming other fellow Jeepers for whatever dumb reason they can come up with. I, for one, am tired and disgusted of it. I used to look forward to logging on to Jeepz and seeing what you all had to say. Now I put it off until I'm bored to death by re-runs on T.V.

This is not my idea of the way Jeepers are supposed to treat other people (reguardless of what they drive, from Hummers to ricers).

I fully understand that I am just one person, and if I left, the Jeepz board would continue on, and I might not even be missed, but I refuse to deal with crap like this on a nightly basis.

You are entitled to your opinions, and even critisisims sp? Just be sure that whatever statement you may make to others, it's a positive one, and will not have a negative effect on those around you, or the one the remarks are geared towords.

I am seriously considering a sabatacle from Jeepz, and suggest we ALL take a good look at OURSELVES to see if we're where we want to be. I would like to believe that if I needed help, I would be able to rely on each and everyone of you, and I'm sorry to say, that I just don't feel that way.

Rob :-(

edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 27, 2003 - 07:56 PM[addsig]

It dosent matter what other people think of you, only what you know of yourself.

Never explain or defend yourself. Your friends don't need you to, and your enemies won't believe you anyway.

edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 27, 2003 - 09:35 PM[addsig]

Nothing wrong with being to young to drive as long as you don't act like you are to young to drive. tug[addsig]


pa, you would be missed. by me anyway. though i do agree with most of what you said. i wont let some rude and inconsiderate people run me off. this site is to valuable to me as ajeep owner.i just filter out the bad stuff , it is so easy for people to use a forum to show there true self. read thru past post and i think you can pick out the jeepers that really value this site.

i guess what i am trying to say is it is easy to be a turd when you can hide behind a keyboard and you dont have to be face to face with with people you want to insult. when i am here typing i dont say anything differently than i would if i where face to face.

there are places for bul sh and this aint it..........odax :) [addsig]

It dosent matter what other people think of you, only what you know of yourself.

Never explain or defend yourself. Your friends don't need you to, and your enemies will won't believe you anyway.

Very well said :-D [addsig]

Hay you called me a punk a$$. I don't recall calling people names. The only reason i gave you a personal message is beacause i did not think that needed to be displayd. As for g-spot he is a friend of mine, we were talking smack back and forth. I tried to be cool with tug but he keeps thoughing jabs in here and there aaaa like the jeep police wave :evil: come on now can't we all get along. :lol:
Pasmokeater your right.
We need to talk about are rigs not fight like babys. But when i get jabbed, I HIT BACK. This sight offers alot of info to new jeepers. Let's not turn them off from this sight.
I've been doing this for a long time, i know enough to keep me going but i can always learn someting new. All i ask is when i give my opinon don't put it down. That's what started the whole thing. I hope this will end the B.S.

edited by: JE420EP, Mar 28, 2003 - 06:14 AM[addsig]


Hey I don´t have any trouble with a little innuendo, subtle ribbing or double entendre. Heck it´s all part of the language, I can even live with typos and misspelled words (heck you got to know how to spell it, to find out how to spell it in the dictionary). Don´t much like people, calling other people names. Or sometimes strong oppinions, when the person who doesn´t agree, is labeled whatever (guilty).
But heck people it´s almost spring, time to get sprung (pollinated) and forget about the cabin fever, that´s been making you cranky.
I hope you stick around PMSmokeater. :-D

Personally I´m not a Jeep purist, there are other 4x that do a good job, most have there good points and bad. I´ve just got more experience working on my Jeeps. If it doesn´t have four wheel drive or a pick-up bed, I´m just not much interested. [addsig]


I tried to say sorry ealiry on in the jeep wave page But that was't good enough . Say all you want about me. I can forgive people for what thay say about me. You came back at me like i just sleeped with your wife. Ever here of sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me. Your profile says your into god great for you but you need to remember YOUR NOT HIM.[addsig]

I hope I have read Tug's post wrong but to me it sounds like he is leaving. He cant leave he is infamous on this site. He is the almighty post god. I dont talk to much on the board but he has helped me on some of my questions. I think it would be a loss to have him leave as he helps the rest of the board. If it is an issue of certain people on the borad then decide who you would rather have TUG- source of knowledge and humor, or JE420EP-newcomer, causing problems. Either keep the two away or have the all-mighty moderaters lay down some justice. And JE420EP I think Tug knows he isnt God but there is a concept of seniority and he has been here a lot longer than you. When i first joined i got into a argument w/ Tug over big lifts but I didnt hold it against him. We just had differing oppinions, and even after i had acted like an ass to him about the big lift vs. small lift topic, when i asked questions about certain parts when i was getting my Jeep put together he still helped out. I dont know him personally and havent talked too him too much but i do read many of his post and is a great asset to the board, Hopefully I am reading his post incorrectly b/c I wouldnt like to see him leave. JE420EP you can go or leave if you please. [addsig]

Can't we all just get along?

Tug you can't go... You're an inspiration to everyone. I know that I am new here too, but I thoroughly enjoy this site and I know it wouldn't carry the true jeep pizazz without you. You should stay. What about all the newcomers from this day forward that read all of the Tug posts and have no idea who he is? Think about the jeep youngins. :) [addsig]


TUG!!! TUG!!!

this is K9-Kena over,,,

We remember when you had your 20th post.

The sophomoric crap ends with the respect you
have earned.......


Raven, Smoke Eater, Bounty, (service Brothers)
JeepMaster, bigTod, Dingus, mudder, snitty,

TUG,,., (and many more that have shared and helped)

You Jeepsters always add positive help to
us. And have kept me QUIET (mostly)
and LEARNING from your experience.

Raven, TerryMason,
Guess We could use some help here.
I've seen more "members" built lately
just on 'drama' than RIGS!

Been 30 odd years since the second grade.


edited by: USMPK9, Mar 29, 2003 - 02:14 AM[addsig]

okkkkkkkkkk, i have a idea. how about a raslin match at the jeepz get together.

ok, just kidding. trying to break the tension here. well, maybe a six man texas cage match.

i hate raslin, havent watched it since johnny weaver and brute bernard, and the minnasota wrecking crew. arn anderson he was my hero.........LOL :lol: :lol: :-( [addsig]

je420,you sound like a good christian man. It brings warmth to my heart to hear you say your sorry and you can forgive him. how could anyone not forgive je420ep? I LOVE YOU MAN..........

now lets go wheelin in my hot pink jeep.
would you like me to paint your nails????? :lol:

edited by: Gspotracing, Mar 29, 2003 - 06:44 AM[addsig]


I added my comments to this 'attitude' issue under a new posting of Regard and Respect hoping to perhaps dust-off our negativism. I would like to see this stop.

In the interest of re-directing the 'atmosphere' of these recent postings, it may be more effective for my two cents to be in the actual string of postings.


As an interested participant in this process and one who is quite tired of reading disrespectful comments about someone else's comments, i feel compelled to reply.

The issue here is about respect, nothing less. Some have responded positively to the errant ways of others, while some have chosen (or lacked the courage to make the right choice) to take the comment with a grain of sand and move on.

PASmokeater hit it squarely on the head. What concerns me is the way this negativity is propagated by members with more posting experience who, through their number of postings, earned the title 'Trail Leader'. Such behavior is not what we would expect from a leader and, quite frankly, embarrasses me as a leader myself.

I can tell you this: Your collective comments and expertise on Jeep mechanics is priceless to me; that's why I take the time to log in. However, this behavior of disrespectful word smearing (which by the way, in some cases has approached libel) has increased in both frequency and duration becoming more the norm rather than the exception.

This is not cool, tough, nor mature. If this behavior was demonstrated in my company under my watch, the responsible person would be separated.

We are currently at war. People are dying. Although people die all the time, unfortunately most from careless behavior on someone else's part, they're dying now as a result of aggression.

If you can't get along on this board, in a civil, respectful, mentoring way, I personally would ask you to censure or separate yourself until your behavior is more appropriate.

I openly ask our "Trail Leaders" to display more leadership than others, or request the title to reflect 'A Lot of Postings" rather than "Leader". I've tolerated an adequate dosage of bad leadership in work to not have to tolerate it here.

One last thing, from observable behavior, I fully expect to be censured myself from further proceedings here from the more senior contributors and respectfully accept.
If I cease to receive responses to my questions/suggestions so be it.

I still find this process helpful and only hope that my experiences offer assistance to others, as I have always intended.
