It's a 93, STUPID!!!


New member
So, I'm going to pick up my brand spanking new (to me) 1991 YJ I have purchased from my wife's uncle. I've been asking all of you guys all these awesome questions and researching everything from lockers, to V8 swaps, to seat covers for 91 YJs... there's only one ploblem... I just found out it's a 93!!! Not a problem I guess, I was tickled to get a 91 that has been tenderly driven for 3,500 bucks. Now I'm really stoked! But here's the question:

What's the difference, (if any), between a 91 and 93? Are there any plusses to the newer model? As far as I know it's the same H.O. 4.0 L and 5 speed AX-15. Same NP-231, same D30 and D35. (cosmetic stuff I could not begin to care less about). What do you fart smellers...I mean smart fellers think? :D

Minimal difference between a '91 and '93. Big changes were done in '96 and '90
Differences between 91 and 93... The Rollbar.
PS... no wrangler was made in 96... 97 was the first TJ.
Didn't figure there was a whole lot different. I was just having the hardest time understanding why the Blue book value I was getting was a thousand dollars less than what he was claiming...because it's two years newer than I thought! Still, 3,500 bucks for a gently used '93 aint to shabby.