I don't know why anyone would want a diesel at the current prices. I recently paid an all time high of $3.42 a gallon for diesel in Birmingham, AL. That's about 43 cents more than regular was. The article says the 4x4 model get 17/23 mpg, which doesn't sound any better than a gas burner. So outside of having more torque and towing capacity, where's the benefit? Most folks don't buy a Jeep for towing ability anyhow.
By the way, the article claims that the new diesel (ultra low sulfur) improves fuel economy. I have actualy experienced a loss since the inception of the 50 ppm sulfur diesel. My buddies and I were talking around the fire the other night and all have experienced a loss in mpg's recently. My truck is an 05 F250 with the 6.0. I dropped from 18 mpg on the highway to 14.5. Add that to the increase in diesel prices and your in a bad situation. I'm surprised the truckers haven't started a riot.