I'm seeing Red

Special_K said:
at acreage does not vote, individual American citizens vote. As much red acreage as you see, 48% of Americans citizens were not in support of Bush.
acerage does not vote, true. That map is still staggering. I think you nailed it there though - the 48% were not in support of Bush. That was Kerry's problem all along, there were few Kerry supporters and many Bush haters voting for him. That type of campaign has never won an election.
Kerry did exactly the right thing NO SOONER and NO LATER. Regardless of who you're for, I'd think that you'd want to declare a winner only when you know the results are conclusive...not claim the other guy might be drawing it out just because your guy appears to be winning before all ballots are appropriately taken into account.
I don't think anyone is disputing that. He handled himself well and in appropriate time. At least I would not dispute it.

Special_K said:
The latter point is the best part about this result. A Kerry victory would have left both sides denying responsibility for whatever came to pass. Bush has little choice now but to accept 100% responsibility.

That's right. As Bush said today, he's got political capital and he's going to spend it.

Special_K said:
Not on morals, family, or even religion (as he claims...
Are you sayin' George W. Bush ain't a God fearin' Christian???
(Spoken in the voice from the old pitcher in "Major League" when he asks the slugger: "Are you sayin' Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball"???) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay, SPANKED wasn't the best word. Go back and read my last post and substitute "beat" for "spanked". Better? I've listened to liberals talk about how Bush stole the election for four years now, but I use the word "spanked" one time and I'm not seeing reality. Give me a break.

Junk, dude, I'm just giving you a "Rash of shite" --chrimmeny man :lol: . Didn't you see my Smiley Face? Or did you miss the memo that says: no matter what you say, it's all "OKAY" after the smiley. I just wish you conservatives would quit throwing the word "liberal" around so ceaselessly. It's really misused and paints an unfair and broad stroke.

No attacks here since 9-11, = effective progress

That might be a bit narrow and over simplified. One could have said the same thing the night before 911.

Truth is, one's effective progress and success is measured only by the time passed between the last attack and tommorrow's.

But when we find a presidential candidate with the ability to predict the future, I'll vote for him. Until then, I have to hope that the powers that be ,bi-partisan, are taking the necessary steps without turning the US into an isolationist driven police-state.

The thing I find most objectionable about this admin, is the Morale Majority BS. Aside from that, I'll support the Pres, but I'll fall just short of speaking highly of GW's intellectual prowess. You gotta leave me something. :wink:

That being said, look with the Brits are saying:

Damn Brits... :roll:

90Xjay wrote:
No attacks here since 9-11, = effective progress

Mingez wrote:
That might be a bit narrow and over simplified. One could have said the same thing the night before 911.

I guage progress in that all we got before our election was another "Warning" from Bin Laden, if he could have, he would have attacked us like they did Spain.

But please understand my distain for these fools in Europe, even today we see that Chirac snubbed a meeting with Allawi in Brussels but found time to vist Arafat in the hospital. I care not for European public opinion, this is still the greatest nation in the world, you don't see people over running the borders of France to Germany to get in do you?

The fact that we can all sit here and debate freely is a testament to our greatness as a people. I kind of reminds me of the last lap of a NASCAR race, two or three guys beating each others fenders off, but when the checkered flag waves, they pull along side and congratulate each other.
90Xjay said:
But please understand my distain for these fools in Europe, even today we see that Chirac snubbed a meeting with Allawi in Brussels but found time to vist Arafat in the hospital. I care not for European public opinion, this is still the greatest nation in the world, you don't see people over running the borders of France to Germany to get in do you?

Don't mistake my post to be a "Pro Euro" sentiment. I am the biggest France hater in all the US.

But people ARE over running borders to get into their nations. It's just a bit further than say Mexico is to us.

The mistake is in thinking that we don't need allies. That's a HUGE mistake. It's a mistake all of the past Empires in history have made.

90Xjay said:
The fact that we can all sit here and debate freely is a testament to our greatness as a people. I kind of reminds me of the last lap of a NASCAR race, two or three guys beating each others fenders off, but when the checkered flag waves, they pull along side and congratulate each other.

You can debate freely in France, Italy, Germany, England, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Canada, New Zealand and Australia to name a few. We aren't THAT special. It's arrogance to think so. But you are correct, we are the greatest country in the world.... in my opinion.

And LOL, hahaha.... I can't believe you use NASCAR as a parallel to this subject. :lol: :lol: No wonder you voted GW... Hee hee. You're the man. :lol:

I can't believe you use NASCAR as a parallel to this subject

I used that illustration to demonstrate how we can disagree and still be civil when the discussion ends, you ignorant moron. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Since you could not let it go, as usual, let talk about the other countries you listed.
I'll take your word about free speech in those you listed. However,

Canada, the only reason that they have not been invaded is because they are in North American. You can buy a litre of petrol for about 5 dollars and get a free government liver transplant if you can live long enough to wait for it. Pastors in churches cannot preach the Bible without being arrested for Hate Speech

England, no gun ownership by citizens, big minus for me

Also the Netherlands and other countries like Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Belgium, do not regulate the porn industry and do not report sex crimes like the we do, i.e., incest, date rape, sex with underage participants, public nudity or even pedophile activity. There are publications in Europe that promote pedophilia.

That form of freedom, I don't want.
90Xjay said:
I can't believe you use NASCAR as a parallel to this subject

I used that illustration to demonstrate how we can disagree and still be civil when the discussion ends, you ignorant moron. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geez... :shock: I know you were kidding, but GEEZ.

Now now, play nice 90, wouldn't wanna take this to the lowest common denominator now would we? Oops...too late!

BTW - I got the illustration, I just thought it was funny. :D
BTW - I got the illustration, I just thought it was funny.

No, no that wasn't the intention of your earlier post below and anyone with any sense could see where you were headed with this:

And LOL, hahaha.... I can't believe you use NASCAR as a parallel to this subject. No wonder you voted GW... Hee hee. You're the man.

No wonder your voted for GW.....Ohh I am stupid, I watch Nascar and voted for Bush.

Mingez, I caught you and let you have some of your own medicine :lol: :lol: hiss hiss


90Xjay said:
BTW - I got the illustration, I just thought it was funny.

No, no that wasn't the intention of your earlier post below and anyone with any sense could see where you were headed with this:

And LOL, hahaha.... I can't believe you use NASCAR as a parallel to this subject. No wonder you voted GW... Hee hee. You're the man.

No wonder your voted for GW.....Ohh I am stupid, I watch Nascar and voted for Bush.

Mingez, I caught you and let you have some of your own medicine :lol: :lol: hiss hiss

No, no, no. I'm not going to let you attempt to defame me...I really meant that all in jest!
You inferred "Stupid". You're making a connection between NASCAR and stupidity...not I! Don't even try and put that on me.
I was pointing out a stereotypical connection between Conservative Republicans and Nascar. You of all people can't call me out for Stereotyping. :roll:

Imagine If I drew a parallel between debate and fighting over who takes the first hit of a bong. You guys would be all over the lone liberal hippy. And you know what? I'd be laughing with you!!!!

I endure sweeping statements about liberals being hippies, treehuggers, communists, potsmokers, patuli wearers, and unbathed troglodytes. The minute I make ONE single correlation between a conservative and NASCAR, and all of a sudden I'm calling you "stupid." ...Plleeeaassee!!

You're the man.
This sound's like I'm calling you stupid?

Please don't put words in my mouth, or propose to have "Caught" me. And please, keep your condescention for someone else. I wrote that in a completely different intonation than you took it. Besides, you blatantly called me an "ignorant moron." And you know the what the difference was? I assumed you were kidding.

By giving you a friendly poke, I gave you a little bit of YOUR own stereotyping medicine --- so...hiss hiss at you too. :lol:

I really meant that to sound jovial, for I was laughing with you not at you. It's like when you guys call me a hippie, or a pinko. I could infer "Wacko", but instead I just shrug and laugh at the fact that I'm outnumbered on this website about 4-1, and you guys are just having some fun. I take all sorts of comments like that on a regular basis, and realize that there's no reason to let some friendly banter get ugly.

...But nice try though. :wink:
Okay gentlemen. Re-read the thread. Watch a good debate slowly fall into misunderstanding. 90Xjay - I honestly don't think Mingez was implying "stupidity". I myself have re-read some of the things he has written when he and I have had debate. I re-read them thinking "Man he did NOT just say that about me", but I have come to realize that he is a friend. A friend that will not think twice about taking a quick shot at you in the interest of humor, but at the same time supporting his view. The thing I have to remember is the personal shots are not that at all, that is just how he is - one of the "boys" razzing a bit. Fortunately he is one who dishes is out, but can take it as well, as I have tested hehehe.

My point here is to not side with anyone or point out wrong, but to expose what I think to be a grave misunderstanding here.
Oh, and by the way - those countries listed do not have the same freedoms that we enjoy. As for the british newspapers, they are all just bitter liberals. When I say liberals, I don't mean in the sense that we over-use the term here to describe most Dems, but true liberals. Those folks do not want anything but socialism. They oppose corporations, they oppose free enterprise, and they will criticize Bush no matter how good or bad he does because he is a republican. Those "extreme european liberals" would rather another country overtake them than go to war. They want to be drones. They're scary.

TwistedCopper said:
The thing I have to remember is the personal shots are not that at all, that is just how he is - one of the "boys" razzing a bit. Fortunately he is one who dishes is out, but can take it as well, as I have tested hehehe..

No kidding TC!!! You are the King of Zing! :lol: You have had some good ones..
TwistedCopper said:
Oh, and by the way - those countries listed do not have the same freedoms that we enjoy. As for the british newspapers, they are all just bitter liberals. When I say liberals, I don't mean in the sense that we over-use the term here to describe most Dems, but true liberals. Those folks do not want anything but socialism. They oppose corporations, they oppose free enterprise, and they will criticize Bush no matter how good or bad he does because he is a republican. Those "extreme european liberals" would rather another country overtake them than go to war. They want to be drones. They're scary.

True, and some enjoy freedoms that we don't.

The BRITS on the other hand... I agree with you whole heartedly on that point. Luckily, many moderates are in power... that's why they were the only country to support our war efforts.

What's up with the lack of dentistry in that country? :lol:
90Xjay Wrote:
I used that illustration to demonstrate how we can disagree and still be civil when the discussion ends, you ignorant moron. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was being ironical Mingez, I responded to your comment with another comment of my own. You can see how the ending of my sentence contradicts the beginning and then I finished with three of these? :lol: :lol: :lol: That is an example of irony.

We both may have failed to interpret each others remarks correctly, if you give a slam, like
And LOL, hahaha.... I can't believe you use NASCAR as a parallel to this subject. No wonder you voted GW... Hee hee. You're the man.
be prepared to receive one back.

And if you "just thought the illustration was funny", why not just respond with the "he he he and :lol: :lol: , but you added in "No wonder you voted GW... " What did that mean? Yes you made a connection not me.

On the other hand...

I still have you on my list to get a fruitcake this holiday season. :lol: :lol:

And like I said before, we can and will disagree, but that is just the seasoning that makes the stew taste better.

Everything be chill :D :D :D :D :D

90Xjay said:
90Xjay Wrote:
why not just respond with the "he he he and :lol: :lol: , but you added in "No wonder you voted GW... " What did that mean? Yes you made a connection not me.
Yes, I made a connection between Conservatives and NASCAR.
You made a connection between NASCAR and stupidity.
That's the difference.

And for the record, some of my best friends are NASCAR fans.... (Now, that WAS just a zinger! )

But I did post that I knew you were joking about the moron thing. I'm glad we're chill. You're a cool guy and I like you...for a crazed right winged lunatic. (again, just joking)

Only thing is... I hate fruitcake. How about banana nut bread? I'll hold you to that. And in return, I'll send you some european porn. Deal? :lol: :lol:
Whew. Now that 90 & Mingez have hugged and made up... :D

TwistedCopper said:
Are you sayin' George W. Bush ain't a God fearin' Christian???
(Spoken in the voice from the old pitcher in "Major League" when he asks the slugger: "Are you sayin' Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball"???) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Weeeell, let me say first that it's clearly not my call whether he is or isn't, BUT I do have some serious reservations about it...talk is cheap.

Whatever the case, I don't think a President should wear his religion on his sleeve. He doesn't have to hide it...no one does, but there has to be a bit of respect for the fact that he is not a pastor leading a congregation...he is a President leading a very diverse nation. You can maintain your values and govern respectfully and appropriately at the same time.

Ok, first off, let me tell ya all I'm a 70's hippie, 3rd generation (at least) hillbilly, NASCAR lovin', Bush hatin', Kerry hatin' ('tho I voted for him), God fearing Christian, stupid, moron, idiot, American. Now that that's out of the way, bring it on. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me". The election's over, we will all support our President (no matter what the British papers say, although I really liked that...........just leave LadyJeepFreak alone!!). We are a part of the greatest site on the internet (personal opinion, of course, and I'm an idiot so...go figure). Mingez, Twisted, 90xj, SpecialK, Tug, Gadget, Sully, Joopin, Sparky, PurpleYJ, Saurian, Junk, Bounty, LadyJFreak, I can go on and on and on and on (somewhere around 4500????).......what a great bunch of people - all of whom I respect and can only hope they respect me..... Throwin' our minds out there, bouncin' 'em off each other, callin' each other names.......where else can you do that? And in the end, we all return to our common bond ----JEEPS!! That's why we're all here, that's why we've come here in the first place. Folks like Ritt....signed in, posted a few, answered a few, and it seems like he's been here forever. So..........can we please get past the politics, at least for another 4 years?? I'd rather hear us arguing about things we can really control, like lifts, winches, approach angles, surreys, tires, horsepower, CJvsYJvsTJvsXJvsZJ.........it's much more relevant and we can still call each other names.....and I think it's much more fun.

And, yes, in case you're wondering, I've been drinking tonight. It should be illegal to combine alchohol and keyboards. In closing, to quote the ol' Bud Light commercial....." I LOVE YOU, MAN!!".......

the ol' man,

And, yes, in case you're wondering, I've been drinking tonight

Your breath stinks Mister. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Disclaimer: The above remark was posted with the intention of soliciting laughter, comic relief, and burps where appropriate. Any rebroadcast, quoting out of context, or other misuse of the above said remarks without the express written consent of the remarker, is expressly prohibited.
90Xjay said:
And, yes, in case you're wondering, I've been drinking tonight

Your breath stinks Mister. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Disclaimer: The above remark was posted with the intention of soliciting laughter, comic relief, and burps where appropriate. Any rebroadcast, quoting out of context, or other misuse of the above said remarks without the express written consent of the remarker, is expressly prohibited.

Now, THAT'S more like it!!! Hey, but you didn't call me any names?!?!?! :shock: