I'm seeing Red


New member
CJ-7 hardtop & doors

George Soros spent around $30 Million to defeat George Bush, talk about buyer's remorse.

I do now have a good deal of respect for Kerry, he put the country first and acted like a good American in choosing not to put the country through a month of court battles. I respect him for that

My state had some interesting polls. I think Kerry only one two counties but they were the largest counties we have. lol
LadyJeepFreak said:
My state had some interesting polls. I think Kerry only one two counties but they were the largest counties we have. lol

Montgomery County (AKA an extension of Washington D.C.), and Baltimore City were the only areas that favored Kerry.

Oh, and that map is incorrect, Iowa should be red too. Bush won that one 50-49.

I really didn't notice it until I looked at that map again, but Bush locked up both the south and the midwest completely, while Kerry locked up all the Northeast, west coast and great lakes (OH & IN excluded). Strange how they group together like that.

I agree that Kerry was a very good sport, if you will. He showed quite a bit of composure considering the hell he's been through in the last 24 hours. Edwards, however, well I'll just say that the above comments would not apply to him.

As for Bush's acceptance speech, it was pretty... lame?

but there was good music, and...



OK, I'm going to propose something that I think we can all agree on.......No more politics, much more Jeepin'!!! BTW, anybody know who won the Jeepz Presidential election?????.....Was it our "on the road but in our hearts" Tug.......the hippie, surrey, moob man Mingez.......the great advice, Jeep genius, don't mess-up-on-my-watch Bounty........the world traveling, cheerful (although somewhat unlucky) LadyJeepFreak......perhaps some write-ins for Twisted (I was really surprised that he wasn't on the ballot - might even have voted for him)..........or have there been overwhelming write-ins for our dear Mr. Gadget??????

sorry if I've neglected anyone (myself included)....just trying for a few grins.

mud4feet said:
OK, I'm going to propose something that I think we can all agree on.......No more politics, much more Jeepin'!!!

Censorship? :shock:

JK! Try as we may, the topics will come up.
TwistedCopper said:
mud4feet said:
OK, I'm going to propose something that I think we can all agree on.......No more politics, much more Jeepin'!!!

Censorship? :shock:

JK! Try as we may, the topics will come up.

And that is a good thing! :wink:

Big deal. He admitted he lost and congratulated the winner. That's what you're supposed to do when you lose. Are we going to pat Kerry on the back for acting like an adult? Well, I guess we should now that I think about it......he is a liberal :lol:

Besides.....look at how most people now view Al Gore after his refusal to accept reality after Bush spanked him....no way Kerry wants to go there.
anyone form virginia

TC Wrote:

Oh, and that map is incorrect, Iowa should be red too. Bush won that one 50-49.

Sure thing, my conserative friend, I just hot-linked that from the same source Drudge had at 5pm CST

TC Wrote:
Edwards, however, well I'll just say that the above comments would not apply to him.

I could not agree more, Edwards is a bottom feeder. He will go back to filing junk-medical lawsuits and making health care cost go up.
Maybe him and Daschle can go into practice together :wink:

Here is an even more staggering map showing county by county!


Uhh... Hello?
Uhh... Hello?

Junk and I were talking about the last election not this one. But that map sure shows the difference in the attitudes between country and city. It is interesting.

90Xjay said:
Here is an even more staggering map showing county by county!


Uhh... Hello?

Well one thing to note here is that acreage does not vote, individual American citizens vote. As much red acreage as you see, 48% of Americans citizens were not in support of Bush.

Kerry did exactly the right thing NO SOONER and NO LATER. Regardless of who you're for, I'd think that you'd want to declare a winner only when you know the results are conclusive...not claim the other guy might be drawing it out just because your guy appears to be winning before all ballots are appropriately taken into account.

Now, for all our sake, I hope you Bush supporters are right since he has the wheel now and we're all along for the ride. If he drives over a cliff, we're all going down. Now, I'm the first guy that will admit I'm wrong if 2, 4 or even 8 years down the road Bush's decisions prove to have been the right choice. My fear (and yet unaltered opinion) is, that they are not...unless he modifies his direction a bit. Not on morals, family, or even religion (as he claims...but that's a whole different story), but on foreign policies, some domestic policies, truthfulness, and responsibility.

The latter point is the best part about this result. A Kerry victory would have left both sides denying responsibility for whatever came to pass. Bush has little choice now but to accept 100% responsibility. Hopefully there's no more blaming Clinton (or the CIA, or the troops, or whomever) from this point forward. If there is, I'll be the first to say that nothing's changed and we are, in fact, headed for a cliff. Hopefully, I won't have to say that.
I wish I could party with the Bush Twins, heck I wish I could Party LIKE the Bush twins!

I have a lot of respect for Kerry as I do For Bush, I personally do not believe in choosing to be democrate or Republican, I simply like to choose who ever has presented themselves in a manner that I can stand behind.

Thats why I wrote in Clint Eastwood's name on Tuesday!
It is tough choosing the lesser of two evils!
The point of my post wasn't to describe the degree in which Bush beat Gore. It was to point out that Gore just didn't believe it and caused the taxpayers to spend alot of time and money proving it to him.....and he still wouldn't admit it. We've STILL got liberals talking about how Bush stole that election. His actions split the country even further at that time, and Kerry/Edwards has had absolutely no problem planting that same idea into peoples mind this time, right up until Kerry's speach. Edwards had already fired up his efforts to cast a shadow of a doubt on Bush's win this time.

Okay, SPANKED wasn't the best word. Go back and read my last post and substitute "beat" for "spanked". Better? I've listened to liberals talk about how Bush stole the election for four years now, but I use the word "spanked" one time and I'm not seeing reality. Give me a break.

Junkpile Wrote:

Edwards has had absolutely no problem planting that same idea into peoples mind this time, right up until Kerry's speach

You are correct. I know Kerry challenged Bush to let the country "heal"
But took no responsibilty his part of the problem.

Special k Wrote:
... I hope you Bush supporters are right .... If he drives over a cliff, we're all going down

Your idea of what constitutes "going over a cliff", :( might be exactly what I would desire. :D Example if appointing 3 strict constitution, conservative judges to the Supreme court would make me happy, you might consider that insane.

I hope you Kerry supporters agree to that. :lol: :lol:
90Xjay said:
Junkpile Wrote:

Your idea of what constitutes "going over a cliff", :( might be exactly what I would desire. :D Example if appointing 3 strict constitution, conservative judges to the Supreme court would make me happy, you might consider that insane.

I hope you Kerry supporters agree to that. :lol: :lol:

Nope. Broaden your view a bit, please. By going over a cliff, I'm not talking supreme court justices. By going over a cliff, I mean driving our financial standing into the ground, further driving our national/international reputation into the ground, making us less safe from terrorism, gutting rights afforded in the constitution in the name of "fear".

And, before anyone tries to spin the comment about national / international reputation into some ridiculous statement about trying to do what's popular or letting other countries veto our security. Just remember, it's pretty darn hard to be a leader when no one that you're leading respects you.

By the end of the month, we'll have to raise the limit on the national debt level to continue operating as a nation/government. By January, we'll need $70-100B more for Iraq...and there will be more requests in the future. Money isn't so much the issue when it comes to safety, but even Republicans are debating whether we've made any effective progress with terrorists so far.

But I'm tired of debating...I think many of us are. So I'm going sit back, go along for the ride for a while, and after several months or a year or two, I'll reassess to see who has buyer's remorse at that time. I'll hope for 4 year of successes, but just remember...Bush, GOP, and supporters must accept responsbility for successes AND failures. No excuses. And for Gods sake, what happens next month or next year isn't Clinton's fault. I think I'll puke if I hear that excuse again.
but even Republicans are debating whether we've made any effective progress with terrorists so far.

No attacks here since 9-11, = effective progress

I will give you this, I do not like all of the language in the Homeland Security Act and it needs to be fixed ASAP, buy both sides.

Also , it wasn't the Bush Administration that repudiated , Gay Marriage,
Billionaire George Soros, P- Diddy, AL Franken, Micheal Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Daschle, Kitty Kelly and their ilk on Tuesday, it was the American people, who rejected them and their liberal agenda.

I for one am glad there are both conservatives and liberals- we serve as a check and balance system for each other (just my opinion, obviously anyone is free to disagree). As for John Edwards, I live in NC and there is no love lost for him in this his home state- but being as his wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer, I think I'll cut him a little slack- one can only hope he has more important things on his mind than this election.
As always........hope for the best, prepare for the worst.